The goal of the project is easy and fast satellite interferometry (InSAR) processing everywhere from local host to cloud environments. GMTSAR binary command line tools are used under the hood. By my opinion, GMTSAR is great project and has only one big problem - it is not user friendly. I've built rich Python API instead of GMTSAR CSH scripts and GMT toolkit calls and by this way we have 3x faster processing and more accurate results. Really, now we are able to use even free of charge services like to Google Colab which are powerful enough for processing about 10 interferograms in 30 minutes. MacOS and Linux Debian are my prefered OSes and I support both of them. Please don't ask me about Windows support while you don't ready to pay for it.
PyGMTSAR automatically downloads Sentinel-1 orbit files and SRTM DEM (and converts it to ellispoidal heights using EGM96 model) and so on. You need just 2+ raw Sentinel scenes for the processing. See below Live Example S1A_Stack_CPGF_T173 on Google Colab comparision to report from Centre of EO Research & Satellite Remote Sensing, Greece for the fully automated processing and other examples for faster processing using pre-downloaded DEM and orbits.
Use the same commands for BigSur on Intel chips and Monterey on Apple Silicon chips:
# create installation directory
sudo mkdir /usr/local/GMTSAR
sudo chown $(whoami) /usr/local/GMTSAR
# prepare system dependencies
brew install libtiff hdf5 gmt ghostscript
# install recent PyGMTSAR
cd /usr/local
git clone --branch master /~ GMTSAR
cd /usr/local/GMTSAR
./configure --with-orbits-dir=/tmp
make install
Note: that's possible to install PyGMTSAR to /opt directory instead. For this case we need to change "GMTSAR" path in the notebooks.
See the notebooks below where the installation commands included.
- Live example automatically downloads Sentinel-1 Scenes from Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF) and compares the results to SNAP, GMTSAR and GAMMA Software. Just replace the scene names to your own to produce a custom interferogram. ASF Downloading 2017 Iran–Iraq Earthquake Co-Seismic Interferogram.ipynb
- Yamchi DAM Interferograms Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) Analysis See also a separate GitHub repository for the processing results: YamchiDam
I'm a freelancer and that's my free time Open Source project. In 2005 my master's thesis was awarded first prize of the All-Russian Physics competition for significant results in Inverse modeling for non-linear optics and holography and so I know a lot about interferometry modeling. Sure, I have varios ideas about new features but my free time is very limited and I can't promise anything. You are able to sponsor my projects on Patreon: Become a Patron! and order research, development and support on Upwork
@ Alexey Pechnikov, 2021
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