A multiple page demo based on Vue and Webpack, accessing data from the API of CNode. And now it is only a SPA.
If you are looking for how to bulid a multiple page with Vue and Webpack, it may give you some inspiration.
Vue-Router and Vuex also are included in the project. JQuery is inclueded to access the server. If you are unwilling to use JQuery, you can use axios
or any other lib to replace it. Just to comment the line of 'jquery' on the /src/webpack.config.js
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
$: "jquery", /*free to replece jquery with axios*/
JQuery: "jquery",
moment: "moment",
'window.jQuery': 'jquery',
The Webapp is consisted of several components built on the single file components of Vue.
- make sure you have install Node at your computer
- open the terminal and change your directory into the project
- run the command
npm install
andnpm run dev
in order, then open the browser and tabhttp://localhost:8010/user/article.html
- run the command
- if you want to build it into the production, run the command
npm run build
and all the things will generated into the folder/dist
- if you want to build it into the production, run the command
the problem of Webpack CommonChunk Plugin, I have no idea how to put the personal css file into the common chunk.
- the edit and reply function need to be added.
- need to re-design the router to fix the bug when post a new article or read an article from AboutMe or New Post;
对于在run build之后,请求的路径不正确问题,可以将请求集合到一个文件中,使用webpack
- 1、 确保电脑安装有Node环境;
- 2、由于国内的环境问题,建议使用淘宝镜像去进行依赖安装;
- 3、安装完淘宝镜像后,依次执行
cnpm install
和cnpm run dev
; - 4、 打开浏览器,输入
- 1、
公共模块打包的问题,如果拥有公共样式,应该怎样配置(目前使用的是webpack中自带的commonChunks默认配置,若该库不在node_modules中,将不会打包到vendor.css中)(已fixed,根据commonChunks的context来进行配置); - 2、因为偷懒,eslint其实并没有启用...;
- 3、样式写得稍微有点过于随性,没有规整;
- 4、下拉加载以及上拉刷新待添加,目前暂时只用了自己写的翻页组件进行加载;
- 5、待添加评论以及更新文章功能,待添加个人信息功能。
- 6、路由跳转存在问题,当从个人信息或发表新文章后,跳转到文章详情,再后退时,路由处理需要优化
Reference to vue-multiple-pages