This is an info app about Disney characters, displays their names, images , movies names, etc,.
This is an info app about Disney characters, using disney API, displays their names, images , movies, and Tv Shows.
- Css
- React
- Redux
- Disney API.
Please click for the live demo.
Please Click to watch the demo video.
- Open your terminal, move to the directory where you want to clone the app (i.e cd Documents)
- Enter git clone /~
- Change to the directory you just clone into (i.e cd Disney-world)
- Open index.html from the list of files in your left handside
- Right click on your opened index.html file and launch the live server to preview
- Include any possible changes and run "git add ."
- Commit the changes with a descriptive message (i.e xyz features added)
- Push the changes to changes to the repository (i.e git push)
npm install
npm start
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- npm
- node (latest version)
- linters for CSS and JS
- Create react app
- install redux
- install react-redux
npm test
👤 Ibrahim Ahmat
- GitHub: @ibr5500
- Twitter: @ibr_ahmat
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
Feel free to check the issues page.
- Nelson Sakwa - for original design.
- Disney API for the data.
- Great appreciation to Microverse staff (Students Success, Code Reviewer, Coding partners, ..., etc.)
This project is MIT licensed.