A dashbord for covid 19 data analytics in France
- General info
- Technologies
- Next step
The DashBord is deployed on Heroku , feel free to check it here https://app-covid-dash.herokuapp.com/ (The map takes few seconds to load)
The France regions geojson file is from this repository /~https://github.com/gregoiredavid/france-geojson
The data is retrieved from /~https://github.com/opencovid19-fr/data
Project is created with:
- Python version 3.8
- Dash
A python framework te create interactive dashbords in webapps. - Plotly
A librarie to make cool plots including maps - HTML and CSS
To make the web page format and style - pandas
To process the data - Heroku
To deploy the app
- make the dashbord go live
- Fixing missing data issue