I am a highly motivated individual
, with a keen eye for detail, always striving to optimize my code and learn more.
Here are some of my noteworthy projects:
- A comprehensive AI tools directory to help you find the right tools for your needs.
- Users can transform and animate geometric primitives while customizing their materials, colors, and rotation patterns in real-time.
Real-Time Multi-Client Video Conferencing Web App:
- It leverages Django Channels, WebSockets, and WebRTC to implement signaling protocols and peer-to-peer connections.
- A graphing tool for visualizing and exploring mathematical functions in an interactive three-dimensional space.
- View More: Projects
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Let’s collaborate and share ideas! Reach out to me on these platforms:
“The code you write makes you a programmer. The code you delete makes you a good one. The code you don’t have to write makes you a great one.” — Mario Fusco
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