- Thessaloniki, Greece
(UTC +02:00) - https://iamnapo.me
- https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1887-799X
- in/iamnapo
- @iamnapo@mastodon.social
- therealnapo
eslint-config-iamnapo Public
📝 ESLint shareable config for iamnapo's coding style.
advent-of-code Public
🎄 Solutions for Advent of Code problems, in JavaScript.
tsconfig Public
📝 TypeScript shareable config for iamnapo's coding style.
nodejs-server-template Public template
🧱 [Not-so-much] opinionated server template, with all the important stuff.
gh-apps Public
🕹️ Code to extract package.json from popular JavaScript|TypeScript repositories that are not on npm.
project-euler Public
🔭 Solutions for Project Euler problems, in JavaScript.
tesla-web-mining Public
🐦 Part 2 of the Web Data Mining course @ DWS MSc
poor-mans-password-manager Public
🗝️ Simple CLI to turn memorable sentences into secure passwords
iamnapo-cli Public
😎 `npx iamnapo`
sort Public
📊 Sorting comparators so you don't have to remember what to substract from what.
is-this-the-couple Public
👩❤️👨 Upload an image of them and we’ll tell you which nerd you’re dealing with.
btc-network Public
⛓️ Tiny module that creates a btc network using docker images.
construct-url Public
🏗️ Small utility function to construct URLs, without caring about slashes or encoding.
cha-cha-chat Public
💃 Simple RESTful server that functions as a chat app.
fast-cli Public
Forked from sindresorhus/fast-cliTest your download and upload speed using fast.com
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 25, 2022 -
average Public
🧮 Small utility function to calculate the average value of an array.
cra-template Public
⚛️ Opinionated Create React App template with all the important stuff.
gwi Public
📦 Interactive CLI for creating new JS repositories.
drpcjs Public
🍬 Apache storm DRPC client for Node.js.
raspberry-pi-experiments Public
🍓 Tiny scripts for experimenting with Raspberry Pi’s GPIOs.
prettier-config Public
📝 Prettier shareable config for iamnapo’s coding style.
colors Public
🖍️ A versatile personal color pallette. Super heavily inspired by tailwindcss.
buy-lambo Public
🏎️ Scripts to create a BTC address whose assets are locked until a specified time (or block) and after that time, transfer all funds to another address.
get Public
🔍 Get the value at a specific object (or string) path, without caring if it exists.
just-the-cors Public
🚧 Tiny middleware to add cors support when using zeit's micro.