Hi, This is a android client for the Hacker news site. I am using the https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/item/8863.json?print=pretty environment to fetch information. The link to the API repo is :~ /~https://github.com/HackerNews/API
So how the API is structured is to get the list of ids first you meed to get the list of all the IDs and then to get information (Title , Auther , Link ... ) yuo need to make a call on each of those ids. I am primarily showing topStories,newStories,bestStories,Ask Job and Show section of stories. First I am getting the lists and then making the calls as needed. This is the alpha release. There is a lot of work needed and will put it up as i get time to work on it.
Here are a few screen shots of the app.