Node for detecting objects using Mask RCNN. The detector
is build on the Tensorflow and Keras ecosystem.
Install the following dependencies before compiling this package
- ROS Kinetic or higher
- CUDA (8.0 or higher)
- OpenCV 3.0 or higher
- Python 3 or higher
- TensorFlow 1.8.0 or higher
- Keras 2.1.6
Install the required deps on the virtualenv
It is better to use the python virtual environment to install the detector dependencies and note that it only works on
Python 3
Install python Virtual Environment
$ sudo pip install virtualenv
$ sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper
Creating Virtual Environment
$ venv_name=mrcnn
$ mkvirtualenv --python=python3 $venv_name
Install the dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Clone the package to the ROS workspace using git tools
$ git clone /~https://github.com/iKrishneel/mask_rcnn_ros.git
$ cd mask_rcnn_ros
$ git pull --all
$ git submodule update --init
The package is a ROS node and can be complied using the catkin tools
$ catkin build mask_rcnn_ros
$ source $HOME/.bashrc
Source to activate the
containing the installed deps.
- Running the node as a publisher
roslaunch object_detector object_detector.launch image:=<image_topic_name> is_service:=false debug:=true
- Running the node as a service
roslaunch object_detector object_detector.launch image:=<image_topic_name> is_service:=true debug:=false
The following arguments can be set on the roslaunch
: Image topic nameis_service
: boolean flag when set launches the node as a ros service.debug
: boolean flag when set shows the detection results in opencv visualizationcv.imshow()
: threshold to filter the detection results [0, 1]model
: path to the training keras model file. The model is with.h5
: text file containing the mapping of the class label with the class name
The Mask RCNN can be trained as follows on custom dataset.
Modify the dataloader script based on your dataset format or use the COCO dataloader. The current dataset loader in this package is different from the COCO loader that comes with the Mask RCNN. It is useful when training Mask RCNN on custom data. Current loader assumes that the dataset directory contains two folders and a textfile:
which contains all the images (eg.image_0001.jpg
contains folders (named after the image name eg.image_0001/
corresponding to each image. Inside the subfolderimage_0001
are mask images of target objects for learning (eg1.png, 4.png
. The name of the mask image in the subfolder corresponds to the class label of the objects)class.txt
- textfile contains the class names corresponding to each label on a new line(eg: apple 1 [separated by single white space])
Before starting the training, you will need to tune some hyperparameters.
#L53 in the datasetLearning Params
#44 set learning parameters likeepochs
[which layers of ReNet to train] andLEARNING_RATE
(if necessary)
$ python mask_rcnn_trainer.py --dataset <path_to_dataset> --model <path_to_model_used_for_initialization> train