About | Technologies used | How to use | Docs | How to contribute | License
RentX is a high-quality and well-rated car rental service.
Analyze vehicle specifications, choose the one that best suits you. Save and travel safely!
This API was developed in the NodeJS - Ignite Bootcamp, from Rocketseat. 🔥🚀
This back-end project was developed using the following technologies:
To clone and run this API you will need the following software installed on your computer:
# Clone this repository:
$ git clone /~https://github.com/i-ramoss/rentx.git
# Enter the repository:
$ cd RentX
# Install the dependencies:
$ yarn
# Create the app containers:
$ docker-compose up -d
# Make a copy of the file "ormconfig.example.json" with the name "ormconfig.json":
# Fill in the correct data to be able to connect to the database
$ cp ormconfig.example.json ormconfig.json
# Make a copy of the ".env.example" file with the name ".env":
# Some environment variables are essential for the API to work in production
$ cp .env.example .env
# Run the migrations:
$ yarn typeorm migrations:run
# Start the application
$ yarn dev
# The server is running at port 3333 (http://localhost:3333/)
# To stop the database:
$ docker-compose stop
# To run all tests and generate coverage reports:
$ yarn test
# To observe the functionality tests that are being changed:
$ yarn test:watch
# The coverage reports can be seen by going to /coverage/lcov-report/index.html and opening this html file in your browser.
All API endpoints have been documented using Swagger. To view just access the URL below or click on this link.
Remember to start the server first
Local: http://localhost:3333/api-docs
Production https://deploy.ianramos.dev/api-docs/
All rules for this API can be found on this link.
- Make a fork;
- Create a branch with your functionality:
git checkout -b <your_feature_name>
; - Submit the changes made:
git commit -am 'type(scope): <description>'
; - Push your branch:
git push origin <your_branch_name>
After your request is accepted and added to the project, you can delete your branch.
This project in under MIT license, for more details check in LICENSE.
Feel free to bring new features or fix problems, it will be a pleasure! 💜