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WG 2022 10 17
Stephen Curran edited this page Oct 17, 2022
5 revisions
Time: 7:00 Pacific (fixed), 16:00 Central Europe
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85188125213?pwd=UHRUVlgweFJ0T0g4SVdDUytYSkxJUT09
Recording: https://youtu.be/m_kV5xM8UbM
- Start Recording
- Reminder: Community Specification License v1.0 and Working Group Code of Conduct
- Welcome and Introductions
- Announcements:
- IIW -- Nov 15-17, Mountain View, Calif.
Demo - AnonCreds CLI from Cheqd by Daev Mithran
RevReg Object updates -- enabling AnonCreds Methods to support both deltas and "full state" RevReg storage
- Proposal: Make the RevRegEntry data model that the AnonCreds method must present to the AnonCreds NRP generation code two primary elements, the accumulator itself (needed? or do we provide the tails file contents?), and the array listing the revoked credentials. No compression will be applied to the list of revoked credentials.
- An AnonCreds Method must produce that format. How it stores the data on ledger is up to the Method.
- Proposal: Make the RevRegEntry data model that the AnonCreds method must present to the AnonCreds NRP generation code two primary elements, the accumulator itself (needed? or do we provide the tails file contents?), and the array listing the revoked credentials. No compression will be applied to the list of revoked credentials.
Creating/sharing AnonCreds verifiable credential and presentation objects in W3C VC Data Model format]
- Script to convert verifiable credential back and forth - easy!
- Script to convert AnonCreds presentation to W3C VC (or VP) - more interesting
- Proof request has arrays of requests for revealed attributes, predicates, self-attested attributes
- Holder selects credentials to satisfy the requests
- AnonCreds groups all revealed attributes and predicates by source credential and generates a proof (primary+predicates) per credential (plus an aggregate proof)
- Need to have a mapping from the requested attributes/predicates to the proofs
Moving open source AnonCreds implementations out of Indy
- This Thursday (Oct 20) Hyperledger Technical Oversight Committee Meeting -- 7:00 Pacific / 16:00 Central Europe
- Zoom (if you want to join): https://zoom.us/j/91447530149?pwd=NWRNQ1BhRjhQd29GNTdUcmVSTWNKQT09
- Project proposal here
- Soon to go into this GitHub repo: /~https://github.com/hyperledger/hyperledger-hip
- This Thursday (Oct 20) Hyperledger Technical Oversight Committee Meeting -- 7:00 Pacific / 16:00 Central Europe
What's left?
- To Dos:
- Ankur to add paragraph about philosophy of the AnonCreds API, styles
- Review the Issuing and Presentation sections to exclude Legacy Indy impacts, and to formalize the Abstract API for writing/reading published objects
- Cred Def Generation + PRIVATE_CRED_DEF -- non revocation, and plus revocation
- Revocation data elements -- definition
- Normative/Non-normative references
- Collect from documents mentioned below (under action items) and from previous meetings
- To Dos:
- Issue -- should "encoded" generation be handled by the Issuer or within AnonCreds?
- Formalize the encoding in the specification
- Transition to "encoding in AnonCreds" ASAP
- Links to be referenced in the spec and used where needed:
- From Artur Philipp : Issue about raw/encoded values used in AnonCreds https://jira.hyperledger.org/browse/IS-786
- Latex in Spec-Up / (Re)Discovery of AnonCreds Protocols paper from Mike Lodder, Brent Zundel. There is a full latex version of the document -- that document uses images to get the calculations into the text.