The definitive Hypixel guild bridge bot.
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It wasn't alive in the first place! If you don't care about the reasons, the upgrade you are looking for is MiscGuild's bridge bot, which is a fork of where Hychat was standing. Please see more here: /~
The story: Basically, we had large ambitions for Hychat. We wanted to see it succeed and grow into a business. It turns out that it is really hard to do that, and very time consuming. Time for me (xMdb) is valuable because I have many, many real-life commitments. The others devs also are going through with their own education and life stuff. As a result, we abandoned the project before it really started.
Please ignore everything below, it's just for archival reasons.
If you supported and were hyped for us, thank you :) Hopefully you can put that energy (and money!) into other open-source projects.
- Matt (xMdb)
Welcome! Hychat is the guild chat bridge to end all other guild chat bridges.
If you own or are in a top Hypixel guild, it is basically essential nowadays for your guild to have a guild chat bridge. That's why it's common for each guild to have their own developer who makes yet another guild chat bridge. Not all guild bridges are created equally. Some might be basic or be fully featured. We aim to create a unified experience for all guilds, so that everyone can enjoy the same great experience. This will include bot management via a web interface, full customization, reliable infrastructure, and a whole lot more.
A guild chat bridge (or a guild chat bot) allows a link to be established between a Discord channel and Hypixel guild chat. It is commonly used to allow guild members to communicate with each other, even if they aren't at their computer. This is because Discord can be used anywhere with an internet connection, whilst Hypixel guild chat is only available in-game. This can allow for more efficient communication and more community engagement.
These bridges (or bots) are usually created with two libraries; Mineflayer and Discord.js. Mineflayer allows a Minecraft account to be controlled using code, and Discord.js can send and receive message events to/from Discord.
Our current team consists of a few developers who've all created their own version of a guild chat bridge in either JavaScript or Python. They are each being used in some of the top guilds on Hypixel. We've combined our knowledge of Minecraft/Hypixel bots and our developer experiences to create Hychat. These people include:
- xMdb, creator of Hypixel Guild Chat Bot, used in Hypixel Knights (#16) and others
- Evernote, creator of Hypixel Guild Chat Py, used in The Illumination (#35), Infamy (#60), and others
- Jejebecarte, creator of MiscGuild's BridgeBot, used in Miscellaneous (#18) and others
If you've made your own guild chat bridge before and would like to contribute, contact us through our Twitter or via email at hychat [at]
- Most (if not all) of the features of the original Hypixel Guild Chat Bot re-implemented to be more efficient and easier to use.
- Includes the guild chat bridge (sends all guild messages), logs guild joins and leaves, and automatic recovery.
- Create and deploy your own bot with a couple of clicks via the dashboard.
- Automatic setup via a Discord bot.
- Manage your guild via commands or the dashboard.
- More to be announced!
We combine multiple components written in TypeScript such as the backend, Mineflayer bot(s), Discord bot, and web interface, to allow easy deployment of your own bot.
This application is for anyone! As long as you have a spare premium Minecraft account that can be used to play on Hypixel, you can create your bot in no time!
We are working hard to make Hychat available to everyone. Sign-ups are not yet available. Our current ETA is sometime in December 2022. Please make sure you keep track of our progress through our Twitter and at the top of this page here.
Hychat and all of its components are open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.