- git clone
- use file
to create your database in your mysql - modify file
base on your needs - start up app
npm run start
- view
in your browser
- user can borrow books and appointment equipments(用户可以借阅书籍和预约设备)
- user can receive email before he/she return books(用户会收到邮件提醒归还书籍)
- user can send email to administrator when he/she appointment equipments(用户可以在预约设备时发送邮件)
- administrators of book can add books, modify books(图书管理员可以增加、修改图书)
- administrator of equip can check reservations, he/she can agree or disagree the reservations(设备管理员可以审核预约,他可以通过或者不通过审核)
- administrator of equip can add equipments, modify equipments(设备管理员可以增加、修改设备)
- super administrator can add user/administrator, delete user/administrator, modify user/administrator and have all the rights of book adminnistrator/equip adminnistrator(超级管理员可以增加、删除、修改管理员和用户,并拥有图书管理员、设备管理员的所有权限)
- user/administrator can customize his/her messages like avatar, password(用户和管理员都可以自定义自己的信息,比如:头像、密码)
- administraror can see some useful data from charts maked by echarts(管理员可以通过图表直观地看到数据统计信息)