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OMXPlayer is a commandline OMX player for the Raspberry Pi. It was developed as a testbed for the XBMC Raspberry PI implementation and is quite handy to use standalone.
git clone git://
GCC version 4.7 is required.
You need the content of your sdcard somewhere mounted or copied. There might be development headers to install on the running Pi system for the crosscompiling.
Edit Makefile.include and change the settings according your locations.
make ffmpeg
make dist
Copy over omxplayer-dist/*
to the Pi /
. You may want to specify a valid font
path inside the omxplayer
shell script.
You can also compile it on the PI the native way ;) Run this script (which will install packages and update firmware) ./ and build with make ffmpeg make
Usage: omxplayer [OPTIONS] [FILE]
Options :
-h / --help print this help
-n / --aidx index audio stream index : e.g. 1
-o / --adev device audio out device : e.g. hdmi/local
-i / --info dump stream format and exit
-s / --stats pts and buffer stats
-p / --passthrough audio passthrough
-d / --deinterlace deinterlacing
-w / --hw hw audio decoding
-3 / --3d mode switch tv into 3d mode (e.g. SBS/TB)
-y / --hdmiclocksync adjust display refresh rate to match video (default)
-z / --nohdmiclocksync do not adjust display refresh rate to match video
-t / --sid index show subtitle with index
-r / --refresh adjust framerate/resolution to video
-g / --genlog generate log file
-l / --pos n start position (in seconds)
--boost-on-downmix boost volume when downmixing
--vol n Set initial volume in millibels (default 0)
--subtitles path external subtitles in UTF-8 srt format
--font path subtitle font
(default: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf)
--font-size size font size as thousandths of screen height
(default: 55)
--align left/center subtitle alignment (default: left)
--lines n number of lines to accommodate in the subtitle buffer
(default: 3)
--win "x1 y1 x2 y2" Set position of video window
--audio_fifo n Size of audio output fifo in seconds
--video_fifo n Size of video output fifo in MB
--audio_queue n Size of audio input queue in MB
--video_queue n Size of video input queue in MB
For example:
./omxplayer -p -o hdmi test.mkv
While playing you can use the following keys to control omxplayer:
z Show Info
1 Decrease Speed
2 Increase Speed
j Previous Audio stream
k Next Audio stream
i Previous Chapter
o Next Chapter
n Previous Subtitle stream
m Next Subtitle stream
s Toggle subtitles
d Subtitle delay -250 ms
f Subtitle delay +250 ms
q Exit OMXPlayer
Space or p Pause/Resume
- Decrease Volume
+ Increase Volume
Left Arrow Seek -30 s
Right Arrow Seek +30 s
Down Arrow Seek -600 s
Up Arrow Seek +600 s