This is a LaTeX template for NTUST (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology) thesis. It is based on ntust-thesis
by Hadziq Fabroyir, which is a modified version of the original ntust-thesis-latex-v15
by Ding-Jie Huang.
You can use this template to write your thesis in LaTeX, and it can be easily used with Overleaf or using the docker image provided in this repository.
Feel free to open an issue or pull request if you have any questions or suggestions 😶
Go to Settings and change the (1) Compiler to XeLaTeX
(2) TeX Live version to 2023
and (3) Main document to my_ntust_thesis.tex
💡 The template is available on Overleaf, however, the template will not be updated frequently on Overleaf, so it is recommended to download / clone the repository and put it on your Overleaf account.
You can use the provided docker image to compile the LaTeX files or you can build the docker image by yourself, the Dockerfile is provided in .github/Dockerfile
, and you can modify it according to your needs.
# Pull the docker image from the docker hub
docker pull hsiangjenli/xelatex:ntust-thesis-v1.8.1
# Run the docker image, mount the current directory to the /workspace in the docker container
docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/workspace hsiangjenli/xelatex:ntust-thesis-v1.8.1 /bin/bash
# Enter the docker container and compile the LaTeX files
# Then you will see the pdf file in build folder
make pdf
- Your name, student ID, advisor, etc.
- Your Chinese abstract.
- Your English abstract.
- Your acknowledgment.
- The dissertation content is in this folder.
- You need to modify the content of each file and input it in
- 論文上傳步驟說明 -
- 國立臺灣科技大學學位論文撰寫、編排規則及注意事項(112.03.07)-
- egeerardyn/awesome-LaTeX
- FFengIll/pdf-cut-white
- google/latexify_py - A library to generate LaTeX expressions from Python code
- google-research/arxiv-latex-cleaner - Easily clean the LaTeX code of your paper to submit to arXiv
- xinychen/awesome-latex-drawing - A collection of illustrations in LaTeX.
- lericson/pseudopython - Do you hate writing pseudocode in LaTeX? Good news! Do it in Python instead
- DaemonLab/Latex-Pseudocode-Generator - Take the input of C++ into pseudocode in LaTeX
- vedku/Python-to-IGCSE-Pseudocode
- Kixiron/JunkyPy - A C# pseudocode generator written in Python
- lukas-blecher/LaTeX-OCR
- HarisIqbal88/PlotNeuralNet
- nschloe/tikzplotlib - Save matplotlib figures as TikZ/PGFplots
- rstudio/gt - Generate information-rich, publication-quality tables from R
- yishn/tikzcd-editor - A simple visual editor for creating commutative diagrams
- texworld/betterbib - Command-line tools for bibliographies
On this site you can find a lot of math symbols that you can use in LaTeX.
Command | Description |
\nonumber |
Remove the equation number |
There are some useful options and commands for using the algorithm2e
package. If you want to see the full documentation, you can visit the official website here.
Option | Description |
ruled |
Show Caption |
noline |
Remove the vertical line withing the block |
linesnumbered |
Show line numbers |
Command | Description |
\caption |
Add a caption to the pseudocode |
\KwIn |
Input keyword |
\KwOut |
Output keyword |
\KwData |
Data keyword |
\KwResult |
Result keyword |
\For{condition}{do something} |
For loop |
\If{condition}{do something} |
If condition |
\Else{do something} |
Else |
\eIf{condition}{do something} |
Else if condition |
\While{condition}{do something} |
While loop |
\ForEach{condition}{do something} |
For each loop |
\tcc{annotation} |
Comment |
\tcp{annotation} |
Comment |
\SetAlgoLined |
Show the end keyword at the end of the block |
- Original author - Ding-Jie Huang 黃鼎傑 -
- Modified by - Hadziq Fabroyir - /~
- Docker tex-live - Max Kratz - /~
- Font - justrajdeep - /~
- Font - CNS11643中文標準交換碼全字庫(簡稱全字庫) -
- Font - AR PL UKai TW -
- NKUST - /~
- 台灣碩博士 LaTeX 論文樣板 - /~
- Pandoc Template for NTU Thesis - /~