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Serial Monitor

Andre H edited this page Jun 18, 2021 · 3 revisions

Serial Monitor


Enable/Disable Serial Monitor

The Serial Monitor can be enabled or disabled via the ESPEasyFlasherConfig.json. For enabling you have to use the following setting:

   "serialMonitor" : true,

For disabling:

   "serialMonitor" : false,

Start/Stop Serial Monitor

With the On/Off button you can start or stop the Serial Monitor. The received messages from the ESP over the serial connection will be shown in the textbox below the Serial Monitor Control Area. In the screenshot below, you can see the incoming messages of the ESPXXX_jQuery_Mobile_Interface.eef example after ab reset if the ESP microcontroller. image

Hard Resetting of the ESP via RTS pin

If the Serial Monitor is started, you have also the possibility to reset the microcontroller with the button "ESP Reset". This makes sense if you need messages after the reset of the ESP or the microcontroller is in a housing and the reset button on the developer board can not be reached.