This is a fork from mapv, enable working in morden es module cesium project.
yarn add cesium-mapv
import { CesiumMapLayer, DataSet, MapVDataSet, MapVOptions } from 'cesium-mapv'
const randomCount = 100
const data: MapVDataSet = []
while (randomCount--) {
geometry: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [-125.8 + Math.random() * 50, 30.3 + Math.random() * 20]
count: 30 * Math.random()
const opts: MapVOptions = {
fillStyle: 'rgba(55, 50, 250, 0.8)',
shadowColor: 'rgba(255, 250, 50, 1)',
shadowBlur: 20,
max: 100,
size: 50,
label: {
show: true,
fillStyle: 'white',
// shadowColor: 'yellow',
// font: '20px Arial',
// shadowBlur: 10,
globalAlpha: 0.5,
gradient: { 0.25: "rgb(0,0,255)", 0.55: "rgb(0,255,0)", 0.85: "yellow", 1.0: "rgb(255,0,0)" },
draw: 'honeycomb'
const dataSet = new DataSet(data)
const layer = new CesiumMapLayer(viewer, dataSet, opts)
Detail please reference to mapv's API doc, or TS define(incomplete)
class DataSet {
constructor(data: MapVDataSet);
* 通过此方法可以获取当前数据集的数据
* 同时可通过filter参数方法获取过滤后的数据
get(opts?: {
filter: (item: MapVDataSetItem) => boolean
}): MapVDataSet;
/** 通过此方法可以修改数据集的内容 */
set(MapVDataSet): void
class CesiumMapLayer {
mapvBaseLayer: MapVRenderer;
mapVOptions: MapVOptions;
container: HTMLElement;
map: Viewer;
*Creates an instance of CesiumMapLayer.
* @param {*} viewer
* @param {*} dataset
* @param {*} options
* @param {*} container default viewer.container
* @memberof CesiumMapLayer
constructor(viewer: Viewer, dataSet: DataSet, options: MapVOptions, container?: HTMLElement);
render(): void;
remove(): void;
resizeCanvas(): void;
update(opts: {
data?: MapVDataSet;
options?: MapVOptions;
/** 销毁当前图层 */
destroy(): void;
class MapVRenderer {
dataSet: MapVDataSet;
options: MapVOptions;
/** get or set layer visible */
show: boolean;
*Creates an instance of MapVLayer.
* @param {*} viewer
* @param {*} dataset
* @param {*} options
* @param {*} container default viewer.container
* @memberof MapVLayer
constructor(viewer: Viewer, dataSet: DataSet, options: MapVOptions, mapVLayer: CesiumMapLayer);
/** 修改配置 */
update(options: Partial<MapVOptions>): void;
/** 重新设置配置 */
setOptions(options: Partial<MapVOptions>): void;
/** 销毁当前图层 */
destroy(): void;
/** 将geojson数据转化为Dataset, 仅支持FeatureCollection */
function getDataSet(geojson: GeoJSON.GeoJSON): DataSet