This package will help us to get equity/index details and historical data from National Stock Exchange of India.
Please refer Documentation here.
See the Examples here
Install using 'npm'
npm i stock-nse-india
Install using 'yarn'
yarn add stock-nse-india
import { NseIndia } from "stock-nse-india";
const nseIndia = new NseIndia()
// To get all symbols from NSE
nseIndia.getAllStockSymbols().then(symbols => {
// To get equity details for specific symbol
nseIndia.getEquityDetails('IRCTC').then(details => {
// To get equity historical data for specific symbol
const range = {
start: new Date("2010-01-01"),
end: new Date("2021-03-20")
nseIndia.getEquityHistoricalData(symbol, range).then(data => {
getDataByEndpoint - Get data by NSE API endpoints. API Endpoints list
Clone the repo locally using below command
git clone /~
Goto 'stock-nse-india' folder
cd stock-nse-india
Then install packages using 'npm' or 'yarn'
npm install
Start the application using 'npm' or 'yarn'
npm start
yarn start
Then open the URL http://localhost:3000 in browser.
For API service documentation please hit http://localhost:3000/api-docs
We can use this package in CLI.
Install for CLI
npm i -g stock-nse-india
To get CLI help
nseindia --help
To get market status
To get the current equity details of the NSE symbol
nseindia equity IRCTC
To get the historical details of the NSE symbol
nseindia historical IRCTC
To get the details of the indices
nseindia index
To get the details of the specific index
nseindia index "NIFTY AUTO"
Build and run the docker instance in local machine.
docker build -t nseindia . && docker run --rm -d -p 3001:3001 nseindia:latest
docker run --rm -d -p 3001:3001 imcodeman/nseindia
Open the browser and hit http://localhost:3001
For API service documentation please hit http://localhost:3001/api-docs
Run the below command for testing and coverage.
yarn test