Macaroni is a language for prototyping easy-to-use analysis-aware macros (without having to rely on things like elaborator programming). It currently implements a simple dynamically typed lisp-like language. Here's an example program that sorts a list-- this shows off most of the (not very interesting) current features of the language:
((fn pair-fst (input-list)
(car (car input-list)))
(fn pair-snd (input-list)
(car (cdr (car input-list))))
(fn let-list-helper (bindings body)
(if (empty? bindings)
(list (quote let) (pair-fst bindings) (pair-snd bindings)
(let-list-helper (cdr bindings) body))))
(macro let-list (bindings body)
(let-list-helper bindings body))
(fn cond-helper (branch-list)
(if (== (pair-fst branch-list) (quote else))
(pair-snd branch-list)
(list (quote if) (pair-fst branch-list)
(pair-snd branch-list)
(cond-helper (cdr branch-list)))))
(macro cond (branch-list)
(cond-helper branch-list))
(fn length (input-list)
(if (empty? input-list) 0 (+ 1 (length (cdr input-list)))))
(fn merge (input-list-1 input-list-2)
(cond (((empty? input-list-1) input-list-2)
((empty? input-list-2) input-list-1)
(else (let-list ((elem-1 (car input-list-1))
(elem-2 (car input-list-2)))
(if (< elem-1 elem-2)
(cons elem-1
(merge (cdr input-list-1) input-list-2))
(cons elem-2
(merge input-list-1 (cdr input-list-2)))))))))
(fn take (num input-list)
(if (== num 0)
(cons (car input-list) (take (- num 1) (cdr input-list)))))
(fn drop (num input-list)
(if (== num 0) input-list (drop (- num 1) (cdr input-list))))
(fn sort (input-list)
(if (|| (empty? input-list) (== (length input-list) 1))
(let half-length (/ (length input-list) 2)
(merge (sort (take half-length input-list))
(sort (drop half-length input-list))))))
(sort (list 8 3 4 11 7 11 7)))
As you can see, it's pretty minimal. The end goal is to have a macro system capable of interleaving macro expansion with existing compiler analyses, conditionally generating code based on analysis results.