Fakes a browser session to login to Roundcube webmail, sent a test mail, and check settings.
# git checkout somewhere
$ composer install
$ cp variables.sh.example variables.sh
- Edit the login information in the variables.sh file
- Ensure that the webmail user gets the Interface skin 'Larry'.
- The last two steps in features/roundcube.feature depend on roundcube plugings, disable or extend to match your setup.
Use the check_behat.sh
script to run the tests.
For more output you can call behat directly.
$ vendor/bin/behat
Alternatively you cal also run it in docker.
To build teh container:
$ make
Then to run:
$ make run
Here's an example Nagios configuration. To use the passive check you need some script that either receives the mail or reads mailserver logs, and sends a passive result to Icinga.
object CheckCommand "check_behat_roundcube" {
command = [ "/var/lib/nagios/src/roundcube-behat-checker/check_behat.sh" ]
arguments = { }
apply Service "behat-roundcube-active" {
import "generic-service"
display_name = "Behat Roundcube active"
check_interval = 1h
retry_interval = 10m
check_command = "check_behat_roundcube"
assign where host.name == "mail.example.com"
apply Service "behat-roundcube-passive" {
import "generic-passive-service"
check_interval = 7d
vars.notification_interval = 1d
display_name = "Behat Roundcube - passive result"
vars.dummy_text = generate_passive_dummy_text("$host.name$", "$service.name$")
assign where host.name == "mail.example.com"
Here's an example Nagios configuration. To use the passive check you need some script that either receives the mail or reads mailserver logs, and sends a passive result to Nagios.
define command{
command_name check_behat_roundcube
command_line /home/nagios/src/roundcube-checker/check_behat.sh
define service{
use generic-service
normal_check_interval 60
retry_check_interval 10
notification_interval 120
host_name mail.example.com
service_description Behat Roundcube
check_command check_behat_roundcube
# Passibe check to receive the mail from the Behat Roundcube test above
define service{
use passive-generic ; Name of service template to use
name roundcube-behat
active_checks_enabled 0 ; Active service checks are disabled
passive_checks_enabled 1 ; Passive service checks are enabled
check_freshness 1
freshness_threshold 7200 ; 2 hour threshold, since backups may not always finish at the same time
check_command return-misc!2!"No info in 2h" ; this command is run only if the service results are "stale"
host_name mail.example.com
service_description roundcube mail via behat
This project was developed by Initfour websolutions and BrixIT.