The Security Automation Toolkit
Quick start •
Provider •
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Development •
Roadmap •
Launch manual and automated attacks with pre-defined and always up-to-date templates of your favourite tools.
Attack a vulnerable infrastructure and connect to your training platform (HTB, TryHackMe, Vulnlab, etc.) without wasting anymore time on boring installations, environment setup and network configurations.
Package, distribute and run local or remote boxes and workflows to find weaknesses on authorized targets in a declarative way. hckctl
is free, open source and community driven, no vendor lock-in, extensible and built using native providers api.
Spin-up a box
and access all port-forwarded ports locally
# spawns a temporary docker box locally
hckctl box alpine
#[box-alpine-<RANDOM>][tty] tunnel (remote) 7681 -> (local) 7681
#[box-alpine-<RANDOM>] TTYD_USERNAME=root
#[box-alpine-<RANDOM>] TTYD_PASSWORD=alpine
# deploys a detached box to a kubernetes cluster
hckctl box start arch --provider kube
# tunnels tty port only
hckctl box open box-arch-<RANDOM> --no-exec
# creates a pwnbox box connected to your hack the box account
hckctl box preview/parrot-sec --network-vpn htb
# connects to vnc
vncviewer localhost:5900
# starts a background box to attack locally
hckctl box start vulnerable/owasp-juice-shop
parrot-sec box screenshots
Run a single-stage task
using pre-defined commands
# shows the "help" command
hckctl task nuclei --command help
# uses the "default" preset command and arguments
hckctl task rustscan
# equivalent of
hckctl task rustscan --input address=
hckctl task scanner/rustscan --command default --input address=
# runs the "full" preset command against the retired "Lame" machine (with docker)
# see
hckctl task nmap --network-vpn htb --command full --input address=
# equivalent of (with kube)
hckctl task nmap --network-vpn htb --provider kube --inline -- nmap -sC -sV
# downloads common wordlists
git clone --depth 1 /~ \
# fuzzing using a local template against the retired "Knife" machine (with kube)
# see
hckctl task \
--local ../megalopolis/task/fuzzer/gobuster.yml \
--network-vpn htb \
--provider kube \
--input address= \
--input wordlist=wordlists/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/Apache.fuzz.txt
# monitors the logs
tail -F ${HOME}/.local/state/hck/task/log/task-*
Output command examples
Explore all available templates or write your own and validate it locally
# lists all templates
hckctl template list
# validates all templates
hckctl template validate "../megalopolis/**/*.{yml,yaml}"
The whole project is centered around git as source of truth, schema validation and versioning. Pin a revision
(branch, tag, or sha) if you need to ensure long term stability
# uses template "megalopolis/task/scanner/trivy" @ commit hash "12e7599"
hckctl task trivy --revision v0.1.0
Override the default configurations
# prints path and current configs
hckctl config
# resets default configs
hckctl config --reset
How to configure vpn networks
# edits config file
vim ${HOME}/.config/hck/config.yml
# example
- name: htb
path: /home/demo/ctf/openvpn/htb_demo_eu_vip_28.ovpn
- name: thm
path: /home/demo/ctf/openvpn/thm_demo_us_regular_3.ovpn
Follow the official instructions to install Docker Engine. The fastest way to get started on Linux is with the convenience script
# downloads and runs script
curl -fsSL -o
./sudo sh
or on macOS with Docker Desktop
brew install homebrew/cask/docker
lazydocker is the recommended tool to watch and monitor containers
If you are looking for a simple and cheap way to get started with a remote cluster use kube-template on DigitalOcean
configPath: "/PATH/TO/kube-template/clusters/do-template-kubeconfig.yaml"
Use minikube, kind or k3s to setup a local cluster
# absolute path, empty by default uses "${HOME}/.kube/config"
configPath: ""
namespace: hckops
Useful dev tools, see hckops/kube-base
# starts tmp container
docker run --rm --name hck-tmp-local --network host -it \
-v ${HOME}/.kube/config:/root/.kube/config hckops/kube-base
# watches pods
kubectl klock -n hckops pods
Depending on your local environment, you might need to override IPv6 config in the local cluster to use the --network-vpn
flag. Set also --embed-certs
if you need to use the dev tools
# starts local cluster
minikube start --embed-certs \
# runs with temporary privileges to connect to a vpn
env HCK_CONFIG_NETWORK.PRIVILEGED=true hckctl box alpine --provider kube --network-vpn htb
# equivalent of
# default is false, override for local clusters
privileged: true
Access to the platform is limited and in private preview. If you are interested, please leave a comment or a 👍 to this issue and we'll reach out with more details
host: <ADDRESS>
port: 2222
username: <USERNAME>
token: <TOKEN>
Follow the official instructions to install Podman
# latest release
HCKCTL_VERSION=$(curl -sS | jq -r .tag_name)
# install or update
curl -sSL /~${HCKCTL_VERSION#"v"}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz | \
sudo tar -xzf - -C /usr/local/bin
# verify
hckctl version
# uninstall
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/hckctl
# install
brew install hckops/tap/hckctl
# update
brew upgrade hckctl
# run
go run internal/main.go
# debug
go run internal/main.go task test/debug --provider kube --inline -- tree /hck/share
# build
# logs
tail -F ${HOME}/.local/state/hck/log/hckctl-*.log
# publish (without "v" prefix)
just publish <MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH>
- Most of the images are built by default only for
, but they should work also onlinux/arm64
orchestrate and schedule multistage tasks, collect and output the combined results in multiple formatslab
simulate attacks and scenarios against vulnerable targets on a managed platformmachine
create and access VMs e.g. DigitalOcean Droplet, AWS EC2, Azure Virtual Machines, QEMU
similar to lazydocker and k9s togethernetwork
support WireGuard, Tor, ProxyChains, etc.plugin
add custom cli commands in any languageman
combine tldr and cheat with task commandshtb
api to start/stop/list machines and submit flagsmitm
hook to intercept network traffic of boxes and tasksprompt
ChatGPT prompt style
Create your custom template and test it locally
# loads local template
hckctl box --local ../megalopolis/box/preview/powershell.yml
Please, feel free to contribute to the companion repository and add more community templates to the catalog. Credit should go to all the authors and maintainers for their open source tools, without them this project wouldn't exist!