Lancements des tests API avec Bruno :
cd backend/docs/APITestWorkspace
docker compose up --build
bru run --env GeoMasterEnv
Ports des services :
- Frontend : 80
- Proxy & Auth Service : 8080
- User Service : 8081
- Country Service : 8082
- Game Service : 8083
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Request Body | Success Response | Failure Response | Description |
/auth/register | POST | JSON {"username": String, "password": String} | 200 OK | 409 Conflict | Registers a new user. |
/auth/login | POST | JSON {"username": String, "password": String} | 200 OK | 401 Unauthorized | Authenticates a user. |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Success Response | Failure Response | Description |
/countries/name/{countryName} | GET | 200 OK | 404 Not Found | Retrieves country information by name. |
/countries | GET | 200 OK | N/A | Retrieves information of all countries. |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Request Body | Success Response | Failure Response | Description |
/game/{userId} | POST | - | 200 OK | 404 Not Found | Creates a new game for the specified user. |
/game/addMember/{gameId}/{userId} | PUT | - | 200 OK | 404 Not Found | Adds a member to an existing game. |
/game/removeMember/{gameId}/{userId} | PUT | - | 200 OK | 404 Not Found | Removes a member from an existing game. |
/game/play | PUT | JSON: { "gameId": Integer, "userId": Integer, "countryGuesses": List<String> } | 200 OK | 404 Not Found | Updates game scores and guesses. |
/game/g/{gameId} | GET | - | 200 OK | 404 Not Found | Retrieves a game by its ID. |
/game/u/{userId} | GET | - | 200 OK | 404 Not Found | Retrieves a game by user ID. |
/game/all | GET | - | 200 OK | 404 Not Found | Retrieves a list of all games. |
/game/{gameId} | DELETE | - | 200 OK | 404 Not Found | Deletes a game by its ID. |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Success Response | Failure Response | Description |
/users/{idOrUsername} | GET | 200 OK | 404 Not Found | Retrieves a user by ID or username. |
/users | GET | 200 OK | 204 No Content | Retrieves a list of all users. |
/users/{id}/{amount} | PUT | 200 OK | 404 Not Found | Updates a user's information by their ID. |
/users/{id} | DELETE | 204 No Content | 404 Not Found | Deletes a user by their ID. |
/users | DELETE | 204 No Content | N/A | Deletes all users. |
cd frontend
nvm install
nvm use
corepack enable
pnpm i
pnpm dev
# open
UI componentssrc/assets
static assets
docker compose up --build