Welcome to the Signals and Systems Lab repository! This repository contains lab assignments, exams, and a project designed for the Signals and Systems course. The labs are structured to provide hands-on experience with MATLAB, focusing on various key concepts in signals and systems.
Signals and Systems is a fundamental course for understanding the analysis and processing of signals. This repository provides a series of lab exercises that guide you through the essential principles and techniques, using MATLAB for practical implementation.
- Lab 01: Introduction to MATLAB and basic operations
- Lab 02: Continuous-time signals and systems
- Lab 03: Discrete-time signals and systems
- Lab 04: Fourier series and transforms
- Lab 05: Sampling and reconstruction
- Lab 06: Laplace transform
- Lab 07: Z-transform
- Lab 08: Frequency response of systems
- Lab 09: State-space analysis
- Lab 10: Digital filter design
- Mid-term Exam: Comprehensive assessment of the first half of the course
- Final Exam: Comprehensive assessment of the entire course
- Project: Practical application of signals and systems concepts
: Lab assignments with code and documentationMid-term/
: Mid-term exam materialsFinal/
: Final exam materialsProject/
: Project code and documentationREADME.md
: This fileLICENSE
: Repository license information
- Clone the repository:
git clone /~https://github.com/hzjadoon/Signals_and_Systems_Lab-Matlab.git
- Navigate to the desired lab folder:
cd Signals_and_Systems_Lab-Matlab/Lab_01
- Open MATLAB and run the scripts provided in each lab folder.
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and create a pull request with your improvements.
For any questions or suggestions, please open an issue in the repository.