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Execute formatter provider
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Implement Cmds for floskell and brittany to format text.
Make it callable for other plugins.
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fendor committed Apr 8, 2019
1 parent 7ee36d6 commit 647f45b
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Showing 4 changed files with 146 additions and 83 deletions.
15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions hie-plugin-api/Haskell/Ide/Engine/PluginsIdeMonads.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ module Haskell.Ide.Engine.PluginsIdeMonads
, PublishDiagnosticsParams(..)
, List(..)
, FormattingOptions(..)
, FormatCmdParams(..)
, FormatTextCmdParams(..)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,15 +209,16 @@ type HoverProvider = Uri -> Position -> IdeM (IdeResult [Hover])

type SymbolProvider = Uri -> IdeDeferM (IdeResult [DocumentSymbol])

-- |Format Paramaters for Cmd.
-- Turns the 'FormattingType' into a record.
data FormatCmdParams = FormatCmdParams
{ fmtUri :: Uri -- ^ Uri to the file to format
, fmtType :: FormattingType -- ^ How much and what to format
, fmtOptions :: FormattingOptions -- ^ Options for the formatter
-- |Format Paramaters for Cmd.
-- Can be used to send messages to formatters
data FormatTextCmdParams = FormatTextCmdParams
{ fmtText :: T.Text -- ^ Text to format
, fmtResultRange :: Range -- ^ Range where the text will be inserted.
, fmtTextOptions :: FormattingOptions -- ^ Options for the formatter
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)

-- | Format the document either as a whole or only a given Range of it.
data FormattingType = FormatDocument
| FormatRange Range
Expand Down
111 changes: 67 additions & 44 deletions src/Haskell/Ide/Engine/Plugin/Brittany.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,14 +25,17 @@ data FormatParams = FormatParams Int Uri (Maybe Range)

brittanyDescriptor :: PluginId -> PluginDescriptor
brittanyDescriptor plId = PluginDescriptor
{ pluginId = plId
, pluginName = "Brittany"
, pluginDesc = "Brittany is a tool to format source code."
, pluginCommands = [PluginCommand "format" "Format the document" formatCmd]
{ pluginId = plId
, pluginName = "Brittany"
, pluginDesc = "Brittany is a tool to format source code."
, pluginCommands = [ PluginCommand "formatText"
"Format the given Text with Brittany"
, pluginCodeActionProvider = Nothing
, pluginDiagnosticProvider = Nothing
, pluginHoverProvider = Nothing
, pluginSymbolProvider = Nothing
, pluginHoverProvider = Nothing
, pluginSymbolProvider = Nothing
, pluginFormattingProvider = Just provider

Expand All @@ -45,51 +48,71 @@ provider = format
-- |Formatter of Brittany.
-- Formats the given source in either a given Range or the whole Document.
-- If the provider fails an error is returned that can be displayed to the user.
format :: (MonadIO m, MonadIde m)
=> Uri
-> FormattingType
-> FormattingOptions
-> m (IdeResult [TextEdit])
:: (MonadIO m, MonadIde m)
=> Uri
-> FormattingType
-> FormattingOptions
-> m (IdeResult [TextEdit])
format uri formatType opts = pluginGetFile "brittanyCmd: " uri $ \fp -> do
confFile <- liftIO $ getConfFile fp
mtext <- readVFS uri
mtext <- readVFS uri
case mtext of
Nothing -> return
$ IdeResultFail (IdeError InternalError "File was not open" Null)
Just text -> case formatType of
FormatRange r -> do
res <- liftIO $ runBrittany tabSize confFile $ extractRange r text
case res of
Left err -> return
$ IdeResultFail
(T.pack $ "brittanyCmd: " ++ unlines (map showErr err))
Right newText -> do
let textEdit = J.TextEdit (normalize r) newText
return $ IdeResultOk [textEdit]
FormatDocument -> do
res <- liftIO $ runBrittany tabSize confFile text
case res of
Left err -> return
$ IdeResultFail
(T.pack $ "brittanyCmd: " ++ unlines (map showErr err))
Right newText -> return
$ IdeResultOk [J.TextEdit (fullRange text) newText]
tabSize = opts ^. J.tabSize
-- Uri could not be read from the virtual file system.
Nothing ->
return $ IdeResultFail (IdeError InternalError "File was not open" Null)
Just text -> do
let (range, selectedContents) = case formatType of
FormatDocument -> (fullRange text, text)
FormatRange r -> (normalize r, extractRange r text)

res <- formatText confFile opts selectedContents
case res of
Left err -> return $ IdeResultFail
(IdeError PluginError
(T.pack $ "brittanyCmd: " ++ unlines (map showErr err))
Right newText -> do
let textEdit = J.TextEdit range newText
return $ IdeResultOk [textEdit]

-- | Primitive to format text with the given option.
-- May not throw exceptions but return a Left value.
-- Errors may be presented to the user.
:: MonadIO m
=> Maybe FilePath -- ^ Path to configs. If Nothing, default configs will be used.
-> FormattingOptions -- ^ Options for the formatter such as indentation.
-> Text -- ^ Text to format
-> m (Either [BrittanyError] Text) -- ^ Either formatted Text or a error from Brittany.
formatText confFile opts text =
liftIO $ runBrittany tabSize confFile text
where tabSize = opts ^. J.tabSize

-- | Format a source with the given options.
-- Synchronized command.
-- Other plugins can use this Command it to execute formatters.
-- Command can be run by ``
formatCmd :: CommandFunc FormatCmdParams [TextEdit]
formatCmd = CmdSync $ \fmtParam ->
format (fmtUri fmtParam) (fmtType fmtParam) (fmtOptions fmtParam)
-- Command can be run by
-- ```
-- runPluginCommand
-- (pluginId plugin)
-- "formatText"
-- (dynToJSON $ toDynJSON $ FormatTextCmdParams t r (FormattingOptions 2 True))
-- ```
formatCmd :: CommandFunc FormatTextCmdParams [TextEdit]
formatCmd = CmdSync $ \(FormatTextCmdParams text fmtRange fmtOpts) -> do
rootPath <- getRootPath
textEdit <- formatText rootPath fmtOpts text
case textEdit of
Left err -> return $ IdeResultFail
(IdeError PluginError
(T.pack $ "brittanyCmd: " ++ unlines (map showErr err))
Right newText -> do
let edit = J.TextEdit fmtRange newText
return $ IdeResultOk [edit]

-- | Extend to the line below to replace newline character, as above.
normalize :: Range -> Range
Expand Down
35 changes: 32 additions & 3 deletions src/Haskell/Ide/Engine/Plugin/Floskell.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,16 +10,21 @@ import Data.Aeson (Value (Null))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Data.Maybe
import Floskell
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.MonadTypes
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.PluginUtils
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as J

floskellDescriptor :: PluginId -> PluginDescriptor
floskellDescriptor plId = PluginDescriptor
{ pluginId = plId
, pluginName = "Floskell"
, pluginDesc = "A flexible Haskell source code pretty printer."
, pluginCommands = []
, pluginCommands = [ PluginCommand "formatText"
"Format the given Text with Floskell"
, pluginCodeActionProvider = Nothing
, pluginDiagnosticProvider = Nothing
, pluginHoverProvider = Nothing
Expand All @@ -40,11 +45,35 @@ provider uri typ _opts =
FormatRange r -> (r, extractRange r contents)
result = reformat config (uriToFilePath uri) (BS.fromStrict (T.encodeUtf8 selectedContents))
in case result of
Left err -> return $ IdeResultFail (IdeError PluginError (T.pack err) Null)
Left err -> return $ IdeResultFail (IdeError PluginError (T.pack $ "floskellCmd: " ++ err) Null)
Right new -> return $ IdeResultOk [TextEdit range (T.decodeUtf8 (BS.toStrict new))]

-- | Format a source with the given options.
-- Synchronized command.
-- Other plugins can use this Command it to execute formatters.
-- Command can be run by
-- ```
-- runPluginCommand
-- (pluginId plugin)
-- "formatText"
-- (dynToJSON $ toDynJSON $ FormatTextCmdParams t r (FormattingOptions 2 True))
-- ```
formatCmd :: CommandFunc FormatTextCmdParams [TextEdit]
formatCmd = CmdSync $ \(FormatTextCmdParams text fmtRange _) -> do
rootPath <- getRootPath
config <- liftIO $ findConfigOrDefault (fromMaybe "" rootPath)
let textEdit = reformat config Nothing (BS.fromStrict (T.encodeUtf8 text))
case textEdit of
Left err -> return $ IdeResultFail
(IdeError PluginError (T.pack $ "floskellCmd: " ++ err) Null)
Right newText -> do
let edit = J.TextEdit fmtRange (T.decodeUtf8 (BS.toStrict newText))
return $ IdeResultOk [edit]

-- |Find Floskell Config, user and system wide or provides a default style.
-- Every directory of the filepath will be searched to find a user configuration.
-- Also looks into places such as XDG_CONFIG_DIRECTORY<>.
-- This function may not throw an exception and returns a default config.
findConfigOrDefault :: FilePath -> IO AppConfig
findConfigOrDefault file = do
mbConf <- findAppConfigIn file
Expand Down
68 changes: 39 additions & 29 deletions src/Haskell/Ide/Engine/Plugin/HsImport.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Either
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid ( (<>) )
Expand All @@ -25,8 +24,6 @@ import qualified Haskell.Ide.Engine.Support.HieExtras as Hie
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens as J
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.PluginUtils
import qualified Haskell.Ide.Engine.Plugin.Brittany
as Brittany
import qualified Haskell.Ide.Engine.Plugin.Hoogle
as Hoogle
import System.Directory
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,12 +52,10 @@ importCmd :: CommandFunc ImportParams J.WorkspaceEdit
importCmd = CmdSync $ \(ImportParams uri modName) -> importModule uri modName

importModule :: Uri -> T.Text -> IdeGhcM (IdeResult J.WorkspaceEdit)
importModule uri modName =
pluginGetFile "hsimport cmd: " uri $ \origInput -> do

importModule uri modName = pluginGetFile "hsimport cmd: " uri $ \origInput -> do
shouldFormat <- formatOnImportOn <$> getConfig

fileMap <- GM.mkRevRedirMapFunc
fileMap <- GM.mkRevRedirMapFunc
GM.withMappedFile origInput $ \input -> do

tmpDir <- liftIO getTemporaryDirectory
Expand All @@ -80,36 +75,51 @@ importModule uri modName =
Nothing -> do
newText <- liftIO $ T.readFile output
liftIO $ removeFile output
J.WorkspaceEdit mChanges mDocChanges <- liftToGhc $ makeDiffResult input newText fileMap
J.WorkspaceEdit mChanges mDocChanges <- liftToGhc
$ makeDiffResult input newText fileMap

if shouldFormat
then do
config <- getConfig
config <- getConfig
plugins <- getPlugins
let mprovider = Hie.getFormattingPlugin config plugins
case mprovider of
Nothing -> return $ IdeResultOk (J.WorkspaceEdit mChanges mDocChanges)
Just (plugin, _) -> do
let fmtCmd = J.Command "unused"
results <- forM mChanges $ mapM $ mapM $ (runPluginCommand (pluginId plugin) "format" . dynToJSON . toDynJSON)

case mprovider of
Nothing ->
return $ IdeResultOk (J.WorkspaceEdit mChanges mDocChanges)

-- -- Format the import with Brittany
-- confFile <- liftIO $ Brittany.getConfFile origInput
-- newChanges <- forM mChanges $ mapM $ mapM (formatTextEdit confFile)
-- newDocChanges <- forM mDocChanges $ mapM $ \(J.TextDocumentEdit vDocId tes) -> do
-- ftes <- forM tes (formatTextEdit confFile)
-- return (J.TextDocumentEdit vDocId ftes)

return $ IdeResultOk (J.WorkspaceEdit mChanges mDocChanges) -- (J.WorkspaceEdit newChanges newDocChanges)
Just (plugin, _) -> do
newChanges <- forM mChanges $ \change -> do
let func = mapM (formatTextEdit plugin)
res <- mapM func change
return $ fmap flatten res

newDocChanges <- forM mDocChanges $ \change -> do
let cmd (J.TextDocumentEdit vids edits) = do
newEdits <- mapM (formatTextEdit plugin) edits
return $ J.TextDocumentEdit vids (flatten newEdits)
mapM cmd change

return $ IdeResultOk
(J.WorkspaceEdit newChanges
return $ IdeResultOk (J.WorkspaceEdit mChanges mDocChanges)

where formatTextEdit confFile (J.TextEdit r t) = do
-- TODO: This tab size of 2 spaces should probably be taken from a config
ft <- fromRight t <$> liftIO (Brittany.runBrittany 2 confFile t)
return (J.TextEdit r ft)
flatten :: List [a] -> List a
flatten (J.List list) = J.List (join list)

formatTextEdit :: PluginDescriptor -> J.TextEdit -> IdeGhcM [J.TextEdit]
formatTextEdit plugin edit@(J.TextEdit r t) = do
result <- runPluginCommand
(pluginId plugin)
-- TODO: should this be in the configs?
(dynToJSON $ toDynJSON $ FormatTextCmdParams t r (FormattingOptions 2 True))
return $ case result of
IdeResultOk e -> fromMaybe [edit] (fromDynJSON e)
_ -> [edit]

codeActionProvider :: CodeActionProvider
codeActionProvider plId docId _ context = do
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