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Clone HsImport API for more fine grained control
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Enables to use imports of constructors
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fendor committed Jun 3, 2019
1 parent abdb097 commit 3350686
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Showing 2 changed files with 180 additions and 60 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Haskell/Ide/Engine/Plugin/Hoogle.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ hoogleDescriptor plId = PluginDescriptor

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

data HoogleError
data HoogleError
= NoDb
| DbFail T.Text
| NoResults
| NoResults
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

newtype HoogleDb = HoogleDb (Maybe FilePath)
Expand Down
236 changes: 178 additions & 58 deletions src/Haskell/Ide/Engine/Plugin/HsImport.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,24 +1,21 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Haskell.Ide.Engine.Plugin.HsImport where

import Control.Lens.Operators
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid ( (<>) )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified GHC.Generics as Generics
import qualified GhcModCore as GM ( mkRevRedirMapFunc, withMappedFile )
import HsImport
import qualified HsImport
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.Config
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.MonadTypes
import qualified Haskell.Ide.Engine.Support.HieExtras as Hie
Expand All @@ -29,6 +26,7 @@ import qualified Haskell.Ide.Engine.Plugin.Hoogle
as Hoogle
import System.Directory
import System.IO
import qualified Safe as S

hsimportDescriptor :: PluginId -> PluginDescriptor
hsimportDescriptor plId = PluginDescriptor
Expand All @@ -43,28 +41,70 @@ hsimportDescriptor plId = PluginDescriptor
, pluginFormattingProvider = Nothing

data SymbolType
= Symbol
| Constructor
| Type
deriving (Show, Eq, Generics.Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)

-- | What of the symbol should be taken.
data SymbolKind
= Only SymbolName -- ^ only the symbol should be taken
| AllOf DatatypeName -- ^ all constructors or methods of the symbol should be taken: Symbol(..)
| OneOf DatatypeName SymbolName -- ^ some constructors or methods of the symbol should be taken: Symbol(X, Y)
deriving (Show, Eq, Generics.Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)

-- | The imported or from the import hidden symbol.
data SymbolImport a
= Import a -- ^ the symbol to import
| Hiding a -- ^ the symbol to hide from the import
deriving (Show, Eq, Generics.Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)

extractSymbolImport :: SymbolImport a -> a
extractSymbolImport (Hiding s) = s
extractSymbolImport (Import s) = s

type ModuleName = T.Text
type SymbolName = T.Text
type DatatypeName = T.Text

data ImportStyle
= Simple -- ^ Import the whole module
| Complex (SymbolImport SymbolKind) -- ^ Complex operation, import module hiding symbols or import only selected symbols.
deriving (Show, Eq, Generics.Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)

data ImportDiagnostic = ImportDiagnostic
{ diagnostic :: J.Diagnostic
, term :: SymbolName
, termType :: SymbolImport SymbolType
deriving (Show, Eq, Generics.Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)

-- | Import Parameters for Modules.
-- Can be used to import every symbol from a module,
-- or to import only a specific function from a module.
data ImportParams = ImportParams
{ file :: Uri -- ^ Uri to the file to import the module to.
, addToImportList :: Maybe T.Text -- ^ If set, an import-list will be created.
, moduleToImport :: T.Text -- ^ Name of the module to import.
{ file :: Uri -- ^ Uri to the file to import the module to.
, importStyle :: ImportStyle -- ^ How to import the module
, moduleToImport :: ModuleName -- ^ Name of the module to import.
deriving (Show, Eq, Generics.Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)

importCmd :: CommandFunc ImportParams J.WorkspaceEdit
importCmd = CmdSync $ \(ImportParams uri importList modName) ->
importModule uri importList modName
importCmd = CmdSync $ \(ImportParams uri style modName) ->
importModule uri style modName

-- | Import the given module for the given file.
-- May take an explicit function name to perform an import-list import.
-- Multiple import-list imports will result in merged imports,
-- e.g. two consecutive imports for the same module will result in a single
-- import line.
:: Uri -> Maybe T.Text -> T.Text -> IdeGhcM (IdeResult J.WorkspaceEdit)
importModule uri importList modName =
:: Uri -> ImportStyle -> ModuleName -> IdeGhcM (IdeResult J.WorkspaceEdit)
importModule uri impStyle modName =
pluginGetFile "hsimport cmd: " uri $ \origInput -> do
shouldFormat <- formatOnImportOn <$> getConfig
fileMap <- GM.mkRevRedirMapFunc
Expand All @@ -73,13 +113,9 @@ importModule uri importList modName =
tmpDir <- liftIO getTemporaryDirectory
(output, outputH) <- liftIO $ openTempFile tmpDir "hsimportOutput"
liftIO $ hClose outputH
let args = defaultArgs { moduleName = T.unpack modName
, inputSrcFile = input
, symbolName = T.unpack $ fromMaybe "" importList
, outputSrcFile = output
let args = importStyleToHsImportArgs input output modName impStyle
-- execute hsimport on the given file and write into a temporary file.
maybeErr <- liftIO $ hsimportWithArgs defaultConfig args
maybeErr <- liftIO $ HsImport.hsimportWithArgs HsImport.defaultConfig args
case maybeErr of
Just err -> do
liftIO $ removeFile output
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,6 +189,29 @@ importModule uri importList modName =
$ IdeResultOk (J.WorkspaceEdit newChanges newDocChanges)
else return $ IdeResultOk (J.WorkspaceEdit mChanges mDocChanges)

:: FilePath -> FilePath -> ModuleName -> ImportStyle -> HsImport.HsImportArgs
importStyleToHsImportArgs input output modName style =
let defaultArgs =
HsImport.defaultArgs { HsImport.moduleName = T.unpack modName
, HsImport.inputSrcFile = input
, HsImport.outputSrcFile = output
kindToArgs kind = case kind of
Only sym -> defaultArgs { HsImport.symbolName = T.unpack sym }
OneOf dt sym -> defaultArgs { HsImport.symbolName = T.unpack dt
, HsImport.with = [T.unpack sym]
AllOf dt -> defaultArgs { HsImport.symbolName = T.unpack dt
, HsImport.all = True
in case style of
Simple -> defaultArgs
Complex s -> case s of
Hiding kind -> kindToArgs kind {- TODO: wait for hsimport version bump -}
Import kind -> kindToArgs kind

-- | Search style for Hoogle.
-- Can be used to look either for the exact term,
-- only the exact name or a relaxed form of the term.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,28 +247,23 @@ codeActionProvider plId docId _ context = do
-- Result may produce several import actions, or none.
:: SearchStyle -> [(J.Diagnostic, T.Text)] -> IdeM [J.CodeAction]
importActionsForTerms style terms = do
let searchTerms = map (bimap id (applySearchStyle style)) terms
-- Get the function names for a nice import-list title.
let functionNames = map (head . T.words . snd) terms
searchResults' <- mapM (bimapM return Hoogle.searchModules) searchTerms
let searchResults = zip functionNames searchResults'
let normalise =
concatMap (\(a, b) -> zip (repeat a) (concatTerms b)) searchResults

concat <$> mapM (uncurry (termToActions style)) normalise
:: SearchStyle -> [ImportDiagnostic] -> IdeM [J.CodeAction]
importActionsForTerms style importDiagnostics = do
let searchTerms = map (applySearchStyle style . term) importDiagnostics
searchResults <- mapM Hoogle.searchModules searchTerms
let importTerms = zip searchResults importDiagnostics
concat <$> mapM (uncurry (termToActions style)) importTerms

-- | Apply the search style to given term.
-- Can be used to look for a term that matches exactly the search term,
-- or one that matches only the exact name.
-- At last, a custom relaxation function can be passed for more control.
applySearchStyle :: SearchStyle -> T.Text -> T.Text
applySearchStyle Exact term = "is:exact " <> term
applySearchStyle ExactName term = case T.words term of
[] -> term
applySearchStyle Exact termName = "is:exact " <> termName
applySearchStyle ExactName termName = case T.words termName of
[] -> termName
(x : _) -> "is:exact " <> x
applySearchStyle (Relax relax) term = relax term
applySearchStyle (Relax relax) termName = relax termName

-- | Turn a search term with function name into Import Actions.
-- Function name may be of only the exact phrase to import.
Expand All @@ -224,55 +278,121 @@ codeActionProvider plId docId _ context = do
-- no import list can be offered, since the function name
-- may be not the one we expect.
:: SearchStyle -> T.Text -> (J.Diagnostic, T.Text) -> IdeM [J.CodeAction]
termToActions style functionName (diagnostic, termName) = do
let useImportList = case style of
Relax _ -> Nothing
_ -> Just (mkImportAction (Just functionName) diagnostic termName)
catMaybes <$> sequenceA
(mkImportAction Nothing diagnostic termName : maybeToList useImportList)
:: SearchStyle -> [ModuleName] -> ImportDiagnostic -> IdeM [J.CodeAction]
termToActions style modules impDiagnostic =
concat <$> mapM (importModuleAction style impDiagnostic) modules

:: SearchStyle -> ImportDiagnostic -> ModuleName -> IdeM [J.CodeAction]
importModuleAction searchStyle impDiagnostic moduleName =
catMaybes <$> sequenceA codeActions
importListActions :: [IdeM (Maybe J.CodeAction)]
importListActions = case searchStyle of
Relax _ -> []
_ -> catMaybes
$ case extractSymbolImport $ termType impDiagnostic of
-> [ mkImportAction moduleName impDiagnostic . Just . Only
<$> symName (term impDiagnostic)
-> [ mkImportAction moduleName impDiagnostic . Just . AllOf
<$> datatypeName (term impDiagnostic)
, (\dt sym -> mkImportAction moduleName impDiagnostic . Just
$ OneOf dt sym)
<$> datatypeName (term impDiagnostic)
<*> symName (term impDiagnostic)
-> [ mkImportAction moduleName impDiagnostic . Just . Only
<$> symName (term impDiagnostic)]

codeActions :: [IdeM (Maybe J.CodeAction)]
codeActions = case termType impDiagnostic of
Hiding _ -> []
Import _ -> [mkImportAction moduleName impDiagnostic Nothing]
++ importListActions

signatureOf :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text
signatureOf sig = do
let parts = T.splitOn "::" sig
typeSig <- S.tailMay parts
S.headMay typeSig

datatypeName :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text
datatypeName sig = do
sig_ <- signatureOf sig
let sigParts = T.splitOn "->" sig_
lastPart <- S.lastMay sigParts
let dtNameSig = T.words lastPart
qualifiedDtName <- S.headMay dtNameSig
let qualifiedDtNameParts = T.splitOn "." qualifiedDtName
S.lastMay qualifiedDtNameParts

symName :: T.Text -> Maybe SymbolName
symName = S.headMay . T.words

concatTerms :: (a, [b]) -> [(a, b)]
concatTerms (a, b) = zip (repeat a) b

--TODO: Check if package is already installed
:: Maybe T.Text -> J.Diagnostic -> T.Text -> IdeM (Maybe J.CodeAction)
mkImportAction importList diag modName = do
:: ModuleName -> ImportDiagnostic -> Maybe SymbolKind -> IdeM (Maybe J.CodeAction)
mkImportAction modName importDiagnostic symbolType = do
cmd <- mkLspCommand plId "import" title (Just cmdParams)
return (Just (codeAction cmd))
codeAction cmd = J.CodeAction title
(Just J.CodeActionQuickFix)
(Just (J.List [diag]))
(Just (J.List [diagnostic importDiagnostic]))
(Just cmd)
title =
"Import module "
<> modName
<> maybe "" (\name -> " (" <> name <> ")") importList
cmdParams = [toJSON (ImportParams (docId ^. J.uri) importList modName)]
title = "Import module "
<> modName
<> case termType importDiagnostic of
Hiding _ -> "hiding "
Import _ -> ""
<> case symbolType of
Just s -> case s of
Only sym -> "(" <> sym <> ")"
AllOf dt -> "(" <> dt <> " (..))"
OneOf dt sym -> "(" <> dt <> " (" <> sym <> "))"
Nothing -> ""

importStyleParam :: ImportStyle
importStyleParam = case symbolType of
Nothing -> Simple
Just k -> case termType importDiagnostic of
Hiding _ -> Complex (Hiding k)
Import _ -> Complex (Import k)

cmdParams = [toJSON (ImportParams (docId ^. J.uri) importStyleParam modName)]

-- | For a Diagnostic, get an associated function name.
-- If Ghc-Mod can not find any candidates, Nothing is returned.
getImportables :: J.Diagnostic -> Maybe (J.Diagnostic, T.Text)
getImportables :: J.Diagnostic -> Maybe ImportDiagnostic
getImportables diag@(J.Diagnostic _ _ _ (Just "ghcmod") msg _) =
(diag, ) <$> extractImportableTerm msg
uncurry (ImportDiagnostic diag) <$> extractImportableTerm msg
getImportables _ = Nothing

-- | Extract from an error message an appropriate term to search for.
-- This looks at the error message and tries to extract the expected
-- signature of an unknown function.
-- If this is not possible, Nothing is returned.
extractImportableTerm :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text
extractImportableTerm dirtyMsg = T.strip <$> asum
[ T.stripPrefix "Variable not in scope: " msg
, T.init <$> T.stripPrefix "Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘" msg
, T.stripPrefix "Data constructor not in scope: " msg
extractImportableTerm :: T.Text -> Maybe (T.Text, (SymbolImport SymbolType) )
extractImportableTerm dirtyMsg =
let extractedTerm =
[ (\name -> (name, Import Symbol)) <$> T.stripPrefix "Variable not in scope: " importMsg
, (\name -> (T.init name, Import Type)) <$> T.stripPrefix "Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘" importMsg
, (\name -> (name, Import Constructor)) <$> T.stripPrefix "Data constructor not in scope: " importMsg
in do
(n, s) <- extractedTerm
let n' = T.strip n
return (n', s)
msg =
importMsg =
-- Get rid of the rename suggestion parts
$ T.splitOn "Perhaps you meant "
Expand Down

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