This basic code will let you change your python code into its basic Algorithm form.
# Print Pascal's Triangle in Python
from math import factorial
# input n
n = 5
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n-i+1):
# for left spacing
print(end=" ")
for j in range(i+1):
# nCr = n!/((n-r)!*r!)
print(factorial(i)//(factorial(j)*factorial(i-j)), end=" ")
# for new line
STEP2: from math Import a module named factorial
STEP3: n is equal to 5
STEP4: Initiate a for loop with variable i in range of (n)
Initiate a for loop with variable j in range of (n-i+1)
Display the following in the console (end=" ")
Initiate a for loop with variable j in range of (i+1)
Display the following in the console (factorial(i)//(factorial(j)*factorial(i-j)), end=" ")
Display the following in the console ()
To install this project on your computer, run this code in the terminal of your directory (make sure you have git installed on your computer)
git clone /~
- Firstly make sure
are in the same directory - Paste your python code in the
- Make sure to format the python code in the
- Its important to format the code with a proper python formatter as the AI only works on the formatted version of the code.
- FAQs about formatting are in the FAQ section
- Run
- Algorithm will be generated in
- If you find any bugs or issues please feel free to post in Issue Thread or request to push the improved/updated version of the code.
Use this Online Formatter for Python to format your code online.
Simply go to Tools > Preferences then choose Completion and linting > Code style and formatting . There, toggle on Enable code style linting and Autoformat files on save . Now when you save your file, Spyder will beautify your code, when it can infer what to do.
VS Code has great support for source code formatting. The editor has two explicit format actions: Format Document (Ctrl+Shift+I) - Format the entire active file. Format Selection (Ctrl+K Ctrl+F) - Format the selected text.
Either open your file in the editor and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L or in the Project tool window, right-click the file and select Reformat Code.