Sentiment Analysis
is determining whether a written piece of text has a positive
, neutral
, or negative
connotation. These written pieces of text are usually the reviews that are left by customers once they use products,
brands, services, and so forth. These reviews give an insight into how appealing or off-putting a particular product,
brand, or service was to the customer. These insights
are extremely useful because they are not only an indicator of
customer satisfaction
but also companies can use them to drive business decisions
Sentiment Analysis models are built leveraging a deep learning
approach utilizing the customer reviews
of Amazon products
. Since Long Short Term Memory Network
(LSTM) is very effective in dealing with long sequence
data and learning long-term dependencies, it is used for automatic sentiment classification of future product reviews.
: The image above is generated through DALL·E preview app.
Following are the highlights of the project:
- Sentiment Analysis of Amazon Product Reviews using an
imbalanced dataset
- The initial sentiment model is trained and evaluated using the following sentiment distribution:
Positive Reviews
Neutral Reviews
Negative Reviews
- Usage of pre-trained
GloVe Word Embeddings
- Explored
different settings
to build the sentiment model based on the following:- Batch Size
- Number of LSTM Layers
- Number of Units per LSTM Layer
- Dropout Values
- Absence or Presence of Dense Layer before the output layer
- Epochs
- Patience during Early Stopping
- Word Stemming or Lemmatizing
- Trained and Evaluated additional sentiment models by addressing the imbalance in data using the following methods:
- Assigned
class weights
during the model training - Used
create theoversampled data
- Assigned
between different sentiment models
Consumer Reviews of Amazon Products is the dataset that will be used. It has a reasonable dimension i.e. it has over 34,000 consumer reviews for Amazon products like the Kindle, Fire TV Stick, and so forth. The dataset includes basic product information such as name, review title, review text, review rating, and more for each product. The dataset is publicly available on Kaggle.
In this dataset, the column reviews.rating has values ranging from 1 to 5. These values will be updated so that each of them corresponds to a sentiment. Values 1 and 2 will be treated as a negative sentiment, value 3 will be treated as a neutral sentiment, and values 4 and 5 will be treated as a positive sentiment. Additionally, the column reviews.text holds the reviews.
Exploratory Dataset Analysis is done for the above-mentioned dataset. The text column is cleaned and the data is then split into training, testing, and validation sets. Further, the data is tokenized and padded followed by preparing the word embeddings that helps in setting up the embedding layer for the sentiment model. Evaluation Metric is finalized and different settings are explored to build the sentiment model. Apart from the initial model that is trained and evaluated using the imbalanced data, two other models are built. One of the models is trained using class weights and the other model is trained using synthetically oversampled data. Finally, the results are compared for different models trained and evaluated under the best setting.
: Dataset of 34,660 consumer reviews for Amazon productsdataset/additional_dataset.txt
: Provides links to additional dataset of 5,000 + 28,000 consumer reviews for Amazonscreenshot/people-sentiment.png
: Screenshot of the people with negative, neutral, and positive facial expressionsscreenshot/sentiment-distribution.png
: Screenshot of the imbalanced datasetscreenshot/results.png
: Screenshot of a few resultssentiment-analysis-lstm.ipynb
: Google Colab notebook for the project
This project is licensed under the MIT License and for more details, see the file
Here are some references I looked at while working on this project:
- K. Baktha and B. K. Tripathy, "Investigation of recurrent neural networks in the field of sentiment analysis," 2017 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP), 2017, pp. 2047-2050, doi:10.1109/ICCSP.2017.8286763.
- T. Kati ́c and N. Mili ́cevi ́c, ”Comparing Senti- ment Analysis and Document Representation Meth- ods of Amazon Reviews,” 2018 IEEE 16th Inter- national Symposium on Intelligent Systems and In- formatics (SISY), 2018, pp. 000283-000286, doi: 10.1109/SISY.2018.8524814.
- J. C. Gope, T. Tabassum, M. M. Mabrur, K. Yu and M. Arifuzzaman, ”Sentiment Analysis of Ama- zon Product Reviews Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models,” 2022 International Con- ference on Advancement in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICAEEE), 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICAEEE54957.2022.9836420.
- N. Sharm, T. Jain, S. S. Narayan and A. C. Kan- dakar, ”Sentiment Analysis of Amazon Smartphone Reviews Using Machine Learning Deep Learning,” 2022 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Information System (ICDSIS), 2022, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICDSIS55133.2022.9915917.
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Did you find this project useful? Which other setting do you think can be explored? In which other way can the imbalance in this data be handled? Feel free to discuss your experiences on the discussion portal, and I'll be more than happy to discuss.