This is just Microservices Architecture sample.
Module | Service | Port | Description |
ActiveMQ Broker | ActiveMQ | 8161 | ActiveMQ on Docker |
Couchbase DB | Couchbase | 8091 | Couchbase on Docker |
Cassandra | Cassandra | 9042 | Cassandra on Docker |
Mongo DB | Mongo DB | 11017 | MongoDB on Docker |
Email Orders Service | Spring Integration + PostgreSQL + Tomcat | 6061 | Email Orders service based on Spring Integration |
Graylog Service | Graylog + ElasticSearch + ActiveMQ + MongoDB | 6065 | Centralized log service |
Kafka Docker | Kafka on Docker | 32770 | Kafka and Zookeeper on Docker |
Postgres DB | Postgre SQL | 5432 | PostgreSQL's on Docker |
Redis Docker | Redis | 6379 | Redis on Docker |
Stock Service | Reactive Spring + Cassandra + Netty | 6063 | Manages stock, supplies, orders and email orders |
Warehouse Service | Spring REST + Kafka Consumer + Couchbase | 6064 | Stores and manages supplies, products, provides supplies to Stock Service |
Supplier Service | Spring REST + Kafka Producer + MongoDB | 6062 | Handles supply-orders from Stock Service and provide ordered products to Warehouse Service |
Service Registry | Eureka | 8761, 8762, 8763 | Eureka - Service Registry |
Test Service | Spring Boot | 1999 | Test service |
Admin | Spring Boot Admin | 65505 | App adminitration |
Hystrix panel | Spring Boot | 8015 | Hystrix Dashboard |
Turbine | Turbine | 8902 | SSE streams aggregation server |
Zipkin | Zipkin | 9411 | Investigate system's behaviour and traces |
It is a web application, used for managing and monitoring Spring Boot applications. You should
see all services except Email Order Service
see /~
Monitoring hystrix metrics.
see /~
Defending app from potentially failing method calls.
see /~
Open source framework for enterprise application integration.
- Actuator / SBA for Email Orders Service
- docker-compose.yml for the project
- Spring Security, Validation & Unit tests
- Missing services: Vault(15), Service (13), API Gateway + Authorization Service
Slawomir Hadas - Github