strichliste1 has been replaced by strichliste2. See /~ for the new version!
This module is the API for the strichliste app. Arbitrary clients can be implemented using this API
Grab the latest release
$ npm i
$ npm run test
creates the tables in the sqlitefile
$ npm run setup:database
For your convenience the following npm script does all of the above steps at once:
$ npm run setup
Consider editing the configuration before starting the api server (see the configuration section).
$ npm run start
The API server brings with it a default configuration which can be found in /configuration/default.js
. This default can be used to setup your own configuration.
The server utilizes the configurations module from npm which does a staged modification of configurations. Initially the default config is loaded and then subsequent modifications are applied.
You can add your own environment specific configuration by adding e.g. a production.js
to the configurations folder. When the server is started with the node environment NODE_ENV
set to production
, the default config is enhanced by your production config. You don't have to specify each and every key from default.js
, the defaults are retained.
You also can specify an external configuration sitting on an arbitrary place in your system by assigning it via a command line parameter:
$ node server.js --externalconfig=/etc/opt/strichliste/myconfig.js
This section explains the content of the default.json which can be modified by you as you wish
module.exports = {
//the server runs on this port
port: 8080,
//details to the database
database: {
//the engine that should be used, until now only sqlite is supported
type: 'SQLITE',
//(arbitrary) options to the database engine
options: {
filename: 'data.sqlite'
//strichliste announces actions via mqtt if desired
mqtt: {
//enable mqtt broadcasting
enabled: false,
//the mqtt service host
host: 'localhost',
// the mqtt service port
port: 1883,
//a list of topics that are broadcasted
topics: {
//gets broadcasted when someone adds a new transaction
transactionValue: 'strichliste/transactionValue'
//boundaries define values the apply to a user account or the transactions of auser
boundaries: {
account: {
//the maximum amount that can be stored in a user's account (99999999 is equvalent to Inifinity)
upper: 99999999,
//the maximum dept a user can have
lower: -50
transaction: {
//the biggest transaction a user can do
upper: 150,
//the biggest money withdrawal a user can do
lower: -20
logging: {
//specifies if the api should log api access to the console
active: true
Every API answer has the Content-Type application/json
Data that is posted to the API is always JSON as well.
At some endpoints the following queryparameters can be used to control the pagination of lists:
: the number of items to showoffset
: the number of the first item in the list
Each of the paginated lists are of the following data structure:
overallCount: <int>,
limit: <int>,
offset: <int>,
entries: [<entry]
Returns the complete list of all users. Each user is described via the following data structure:
"id": <int>,
"name": <string>,
"mailAddress": <string>,
"balance": <float>,
"lastTransaction": <dateTime>,
"countOfTransactions": <int>,
"weightedCountOfPurchases": <int>,
"activeDays": <int>
The parameters and the list structure of the Pagination
section are used in this endpoint.
Creates a new user. To create a new user a name and an optional mailAddress has to be assigned via the following data structure.
"name": <string>,
"mailAddress": <string>
Returns the status code 201 and the created user if the creation was successfull.
- 409: If a user already exists
Lists the latest transactions. Each transaction has the following data structure:
id: <int>,
userId: <int>,
createDate: <DateTime>,
value: <float>,
comment: <string>
Use the parameters and the list structure of the Pagination
section to specify the list's structure.
Returns one specific user. The returned data structure correlates with the /user endpoint, additionally a list of the five last transactions is sent. (See the /user/transaction section for a reference to the transaction data structure)
- 404: If the user could not be found
Returns a list of transactions belonging to the user with the id :userId. The structure of the transactions object corresponds to the definiton of the '/transaction' route
The parameters and the list structure of the Pagination
section are used in this endpoint.
- 404: If the user could not be found
Creates a new transaction for the user with the id :userId
The following data structure describes the transaction:
value: <float>,
comment: <string>,
toUserId: <int>
Returns the status code 201 if a transaction was successfully created.
- 400: If a transaction value is not a number or is zero.
- 403: If a transaction value is above or below a certain border (configurable) or the resulting user balance would exceed a certain border (configurable).
- 404: If the user has not been found
Returns a certain transaction.
The data structure corresponds to that of the /user/:userId/transaction
- 404: If the user or the transaction could not be found
Returns the configured settings:
boundaries: {
upper: <int>
lower: <int>
For more details on the configuration see the configuration
Returns metrics concerning the registered users and their transactions. Data structure:
overallBalance: <float>,
countTransactions: <int>,
contUsers: <int>,
avgBalance: <float>,
days: [
date: <Date>,
overallNumber: <int>,
distinctUsers: <int>,
dayBalance: <float>,
dayBalancePositive: <float>,
dayBalanceNegative: <float>