The DoD of the challenge is described here. The idea is to build an application based on React that contains the following abilities:
Please use the following technologies:
ReactJS using functional components React Hooks for lifecycle management The state management system of your choice Axios or Request Bootstrap 4, Bulma or Materialize
If you want to stand out by going the extra mile, you could do some of the following:
Add tests for your code Use Styled Components Implemen Next.js for server side rendering Create an awesome user experience
The code challenge is live online here.
The technologies used for this project were:
- ReactJS, through CRA (Create React App),
- ContextAPI,
- Axios,
- Several hooks (UseReducer, UseEffect, UseState),
- Bootstrap 4,
- React-Bootstrap.
Install the dependencies
$ yarn install
To serve in the browser - Runs webpack-dev-server
$ yarn start
Compile and build
$ npm run build
The author of this project was Gustavo Malamud.