- 1️⃣ Clone the repository to your machine if you have the access. Use this link to do it. ↦ /~https://github.com/Porgramming-Hero-web-course/l2-b2-assignment-6-fronten-gsjoy24.git
- 2️⃣ Open the project in vs code and create a file named .env.local in the root of the folder.
- 3️⃣ Add the code bellow in the .env.local file
4️⃣ Open the command prompt on the project path or terminal on the vs code by pressing Ctrl + `
5️⃣ Run the command 'npm i' or 'npm install' to install all the necessary dependencies.
6️⃣ To run the application on http://localhost:5173, run the command 'npm run dev'. if the application is running, you will see the login page on the localhost.
7️⃣ use the credentials to login
<!-- for admin -->
email :superAdmin@gmail.com
password : superAdmin0
<!-- for manager -->
email : manager@gmail.com
password : ManagerPr0
<!-- for user -->
email :user@gmail.com
password : UserPr00
Now you can do all the CRUD operations that was required for the assignment. I will recommend you to see the package.json file to see all the commands.
- live link ↦ https://second-dream-gadgets.web.app/
- server link ↦ https://second-dream-server.vercel.app/