GitAuthors is simple tool that prints a quick summary of a repository's authors, as collated by commits. Summary output includes each author's name, email, number of commits, and date of last commit.
Once installed, GitAuthors is available via the gitauthors
To use, provide gitauthors
the URL of a respository and let it go to
work. gitauthors
will, in turn:
- Check out the repository into a temporary directory.
- Parse the repository's log history.
- Collate a list of the repository's authors and their commits.
- Output a nicely formatted summary of the repository's authors and their commits.
- Clean up after itself and delete the temporary directory.
$ gitauthors /~
Ansgar Grunseid 16 commits, latest on Aug 06, 2018
Ansgar Grunseid 1 commit, latest on Jul 17, 2018
That's it. Simple.
Of course gitauthors
can also be imported and used programmatically, too.
>>> from gitauthors import collateGitAuthors, formatGitAuthors
>>> authors = collateGitAuthors('/~')
>>> authors[0]
('', 'grun', 46, time.struct_time(tm_year=2018, tm_mon=7, tm_mday=18, tm_hour=7, tm_min=8, tm_sec=14, tm_wday=2, tm_yday=199, tm_isdst=0))
>>> formatted = formatGitAuthors(authors)
>>> print(formatted)
grun 46 commits, latest on Jul 18, 2018
Ansgar Grunseid 1 commit, latest on Jul 18, 2018
Installing GitAuthors with pip is easy.
$ pip install gitauthors