A powerfull nodejs server based on express module to control different smart home device brands locally or over the cloud.
git clone /~https://github.com/ifsale/YourHomeServer.git
cd YourHomeServer
git rm --cached config/cloud.json &&
git rm --cached config/conditions.json &&
git rm --cached config/config.json &&
git rm --cached config/scenes.json &&
git rm --cached config/local/devices.json &&
git rm --cached package.json
git reset
git update-index --assume-unchanged config/local/devices.json &&
git update-index --assume-unchanged config/cloud.json &&
git update-index --assume-unchanged config/scenes.json &&
git update-index --assume-unchanged config/conditions.json &&
git update-index --assume-unchanged config/config.json &&
git update-index --assume-unchanged package.json
npm install
node app.js
Use this module to control control Tuya/Smart Life devices locally
npm install codetheweb/tuyapi
Use this module to control Mi Home devices locally
npm install miio-api
Use this module to control control Tuya/Smart Life devices over the cloud
npm install tuyacloudnodejs
Use this module to control control SmartThings devices over the cloud
npm install smartthingsnodejs
Start by configuring a devices in the file ./config/local/devices.json (example with tuya device):
"type": "tuya" ,
Make a request to one of these endpoint to control your device, like the examples shown below:
Get the device data
Trigger an action on the device (turn off light)
Another way to turn off the device
Send multiple actions to perform on device
Configure custom server parameters in the file ./config/config.json
"address":"" ,
"port": 3000 ,
"timeout": 60000
Configure your devices and cloud scenes in the file ./config/local/devices.json, categories are found in ./config/local/schemas.json
Configure tuya device example (ip is optional):
"ip": "" ,
"type": "tuya" ,
Configure miio device example:
"ip": "" ,
"type": "miio" ,
Configure smartthings device example:
"type": "smartthings" ,
Use this endpoint to trigger device actions:
All possible actions are found in the schema file depending on the device category.
Configure scene to be triggered example (acts as a device):
"type": "tuya" , // tuya|smartthings
"category":"scene" // special category
To trigger scenes, they must be configured as a scene in the file ./config/scenes.json.\ The following url will trigger your scene http://address:port/local/scene/{sceneName}/
Scenes can trigger actions on multiple devices at once, this is a very powerful feature. Configure your scenes in the ./config/scenes.json
Scene configuration example (turn on living room lights):
"lr-light1": { "actions": "brightness^temperature^on" , "values": "10^10" } , // use the device label
"lr-light2": { "actions": "brightness^temperature^on" , "values": "10^10" } ,
"lr-light3": { "actions": "brightness^temperature^on" , "values": "10^10" }
Run your scene http://address:port/local/scene{sceneName}/
This feauture allows you to make a request to retrieve values from multiple devices at once. Create a scene just like the previous example and use either info as action or specify device fields found in the schema file.
Example scene query configuration:
"lr-ir": { "actions": "info" } ,
"mb-ir": { "actions": "info" } ,
"mb-humidifier": { "actions": "info" }
Example scene query configuration with specific values (use ^ as separator):
"lr-ir": { "actions": "temp^hum" }
Query your scene and get devices data http://address:port/local/query/{sceneName}/
Condition are another powerful feature that can allow you to evaluate the status of certain devices and use the actions "then" and "else" depending on the condition result. Configure your conditions to be evaluated in the ./config/conditions.json
Example condition simply returing true or false (using "AND"):
"label":"lr-light1" ,
"eval": "switch=false"
} ,
"label":"lr-light2" ,
"eval": "switch=false"
} ,
"label":"lr-light3" ,
"eval": "switch=false"
Example condition using action "then" if condition is true:
"label":"br-fan" ,
"eval": "switch=false"
] ,
"run": "br-fan-routine"
Evaluate the condition http://address:port/local/eval/{conditionName}/
Example condition using action "then" if condition is true, else if condition is false:
"label":"br-fan" ,
"eval": "switch=false"
] ,
"run": "some-scene-name"
} ,
"run": "some-other-scene-name"
Example condition using "OR" (can be mixed with "AND"):
"label":"lr-light1" ,
"eval": "switch=true" ,
"label":"lr-light2" ,
"eval": "switch=true"
} ,
"label":"lr-light3" ,
"eval": "switch=true"
} ,
"label":"st-lamp" ,
"eval": "switch=true"
The cloud credentials need to be configured in the file ./config/cloud.json
Example smartthings cloud configuration:
"authToken" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ,
"server" : "https://api.smartthings.com/v1/" ,
"type" : "smartthings"
Example tuya cloud configuration:
"secretKey" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ,
"accessKey" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ,
"appKey" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ,
"homeID" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ,
"uid" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ,
"server" : "https://openapi.tuyaus.com" ,
"type" : "tuya" ,
"user_id" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Devices can be used as cloud devices for scenes,queries and conditions, with a few added properties.
- type (cloud)
- config (the config label from the cloud.json file)
- component (the component name, only for smartthings)
Example scene with cloud device:
"bhr-fan": { "type":"cloud" , "config": "rawai" , "actions": "countdown_1" , "values": "120" }
Example condition with cloud device:
"label":"lr-tv" ,
"type":"cloud" ,
"component": "main" ,
"eval": "switch=on" ,
"config": "some-cloud-config-label"
] ,
"run": "toggle-tv-power"
It's possible to pass dynamic parameter to your scenes and conditions by sending get paramaters in the url.
Example scene with dynamic value:
"lr-tv": { "type":"cloud" , "config": "st-rawai" , "actions": "volume" , "values": "{volume}" , "component": "main" }
Use a get parameter in your call http://address:port/local/scene/{name}/?volume=30
It's possible to make direct cloud requests to the supported cloud api's if one wishes to. This feauture is useful to retrieve info about the devices, as well as triggering actions that are not supported locally.
Direct tuya cloud requests
Direct smartthings cloud requests
** Cloud types are "scenes|devices|home|token" for tuya and "devices|apps|subscriptions" for SmartThings
Run actions on a device
Run a scene
Query a scene
Evaluate a condition
Direct tuya cloud requests
Direct SmartThings cloud requests
Actions are found in the schema file.
Cloud types are "scenes|devices|home|token" for tuya and "devices|apps|subscriptions" for SmartThings
Use "get-methods" for each type as a {method} to see all the cloud methods available.
*** Cloud support is not available for Xiaomi devices at the moment.