SEM.32 (Solar Energy Manager 32) based on ESP32 controller, Soyosource Inverter, Huawei r4850g2 power supply, JK-BMS and 48V battery. It helps You to maximize the usage of self generated solar power.
- control of inverter to minimize power usage out of the grid (over RS485)
- control of charger to maximize own usage of solar power (over CAN-bus)
- adjustable power thresholds
- optional manual control of charging power
- optional dynamic load calculation to reduce wear of battery due to low chage status
- charge current limitation
- access to JK-BMS data (over RS485)
- new web GUI
- wifi configuration portal
- MQTT client
- scalable code for new features
- CAN dbc file for the charger
- runs ESP32 boards with RS485+CAN shield
- runs on ESP32 and on the BSC-Hardware
- Type: GNT 1200LIM 48
- MAX: Const. Power: 800W (1200W solar operation)
- Type: Huawei R4850G2
- Type: JK-BD6A20S8P
- Software V.: V10.XY
Battery cells:
- Type: EVE LF90 (3,2V 90AH, Nominal)
- Datasheet No.: LF90-73103
- Cut off Voltage: 3.65V/2.5V
- Std. charge/Discharge: 1.0C
Power Meter:
- Type: Tasmota based smart meter from Hitchi
CAN interface:
- Driver IC: SN65HVD230
RS485 Serial interface:
- Driver IC: Max485 CSA (2 pcs. for BMS and Inverter)
0.96 inch OLED IIC 128x64 Display:
- Driver: SSD1306
- I2C Addr.: 0x3C
Temperature Sensors:
- 1-Wire
- Type: DS18B20 waterproof
USB upper:
Pin 2 (RXD/D-) Output A Max 485 USB Driver for inverter, Inverter Input A+
Pin 3 (TXD/D+) Output B Max 485 USB Driver for inverter, Inverter Input B-
USB Lower:
Pin 2 (RXD/D-) CAN L
Pin 3 (TXD/D+) CAN H
Pin 1 (Pair 3) Output A Max 485 USB Driver for BMS, BMS Input A+
Pin 2 (Pair 3) Output B Max 485 USB Driver for BMS, BMS Input B-
6 pin connector:
Pin1 GPIO26 Temp Sensor
Pin2 Ground
Pin3 +3V3
Pin4 NC
Pin5 NC
Pin6 NC
GPIO | Function | Application | Driver |
GPIO00 | Boot | Push Burron 1 | |
GPIO01 | |||
GPIO02 | |||
GPIO03 | |||
GPIO04 | CAN RX | Charger | SN65HVD230 |
GPIO05 | CAN TX | Charger | SN65HVD230 |
GPIO06 | |||
GPIO07 | |||
GPIO08 | |||
GPIO09 | |||
GPIO10 | |||
GPIO11 | |||
GPIO12 | LED | Blue, Charging | |
GPIO13 | LED | Green, Discharging | |
GPIO14 | LED | Yellow, Standby | |
GPIO15 | LED | Red, ERROR | |
GPIO16 | U2RXD | Inverter | Max485 CSA |
GPIO17 | U2TxD | Inverter | Max485 CSA |
GPIO18 | RS485_EN | Chip enable, Inverter | Max485 CSA |
GPIO19 | |||
GPIO21 | I2C SDA1 | Display SSD1306 | Address: 0x3C |
GPIO22 | I2C SLC1 | Display SSD1306 | Address: 0x3C |
GPIO23 | |||
GPIO25 | |||
GPIO26 | DAT | Temp. Sensors | DS18B20; inc. 4K7 pull up |
GPIO27 | |||
GPIO32 | RS485 RxD | BMS | Max485 CSA |
GPIO33 | RS485 TxD | BMS | Max485 CSA |
GPIO34 | RS485_EN | BMS | Max485 CSA |
GPIO35 | Dig_input | Push Button 3 | |
GPIO36 | Dig_input | Push Button 2 | |
GPIO39 | LED | auxiliary |
Power Equation for the whole house:
JSON help:
ESP32 infos:
BSC (Battery Safety Controller) homepage: /~
JK-BMS Protocol: jblance/mpp-solar#112 (comment)
JK-BMS collection of NEEY: /~
Solution for Littlefs error: pio pkg update -g -p espressif32