Short hand sample names: CTCF-1, CTCF-7, CTCF-8, P12-10B, P12-14, P12-5, P12-8
What are the experimental details here? Humanized mice (humanized how?) are infected with different strains of HTLV-1? Four different strains here? And we are looking for genome integrations in mice cells? or human cells? How were the cells obtained for genomic DNA isolation (is this just from blood?). The goal here is to identify the viral integration sites and quantify them to assess clonality? Is there an expectation for degree of clonality we might observe. Are we expecting to see many different unique integration sites in each sample?
Brief answers: Genomic DNA was isolated from humanized mouse spleen that was infected with HTLV-1 p12(wt control) or CTCF mutant virus. p12-10B, p12-14 and CTCF-7, CTCF-8 are mouse ID numbers. We want to quantify the viral integration sites in infected human T cells to assess clonality. I expect to see many unique integration sites but don’t know what kinds of clonality that would be observed.
CD34+ cells were injected in liver at 1d of life. Infected with HTLV. 2 strains – p12 and CTCF. Analysis focused on human cell DNA. Samples were obtained from spleen. The goal here is to identify the viral integration sites and quantify them to assess clonality. Using Gini index value.
- Batch 1: CTCF-7, CTCF-8, P12-10B,P12-14
- Batch 2: CTCF-1, CTCF-3, P12-5, P12-8
If needed update the following in envs.txt
so they can be sourced when needed
export WORKING_DIR=/storage1/fs1/mgriffit/Active/griffithlab/adhoc/ratner_p01/htlv_integration_sites
export FASTQ_NAMES=("Ratner_CTCF-1_SIC_934_196_CGTATCTCAA_AATACTAATA_S156_" "Ratner_CTCF-3_SIC_935_196_GTCCTGCCGA_AATACTAATA_S157_" "Ratner_CTCF-7_SIC_934_SIC2_Ratner_196_CGTATCTCA_AATACTAATA_S2_" "Ratner_CTCF-8_SIC_935_SIC2_Ratner_196_GTCCTGCCG_AATACTAATA_S3_" "Ratner_P12-10B_SIC_936_SIC2_Ratner_196_CCGGGACAC_AATACTAATA_S4_" "Ratner_P12-14_SIC_937_SIC2_Ratner_196_GGCTGGGAT_AATACTAATA_S5_" "Ratner_P12-5_SIC_936_196_CCGGGACACA_AATACTAATA_S158_" "Ratner_P12-8_SIC_937_196_GGCTGGGATA_AATACTAATA_S159_")
export PAIRS=("R1" "R2")
sh $WORKING_DIR/git/htlv_integration_sites/scripts/
ls -1 fastqs/* | perl -ne 'chomp; if ($_ =~ /(.*)\_\S+\_\S+\.fastq\.gz$/){print "$1_\n"}' | sort | uniq -c
ls -1 fastqs/*| perl -ne 'chomp; if ($_ =~ /(.*)\_\S+\_\S+\.fastq\.gz$/){print "$1_\n"}' | sort | uniq
for FASTQ_NAME in "${FASTQ_NAMES[@]}"; do
for PAIR in "${PAIRS[@]}"; do
for SEQ in "${SEQS[@]}"; do
ANSWER=$(zcat fastqs/${FASTQ_NAME}${PAIR}_001.fastq.gz | awk 'NR % 4 == 2' | grep $SEQ | wc -l)
Based on this analysis it seems that for these data in the RAW read sequences we only really see the "TTAGTACACA" sequence and only in Read 1 files
for FASTQ_NAME in "${FASTQ_NAMES[@]}"; do
echo -e "\nProcessing FASTQ: $FASTQ_NAME (R1 only)"
SAMPLE=$(echo $FASTQ_NAME | awk -F_ '{print $2}')
echo "Will name output using sample name: $SAMPLE"
zcat fastqs/${FASTQ_NAME}R1_001.fastq.gz | awk 'NR % 4 == 1 {read_name = substr($1, 2)} NR % 4 == 2 {print read_name, $0}' | grep -P 'TTTAGTACACA' | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | sort | uniq > readlists/${SAMPLE}_ltr_integration_seq_read_ids.txt
GRCh38 reference copied from: /storage1/fs1/bga/Active/gmsroot/gc2560/core/GRC-human-build38_human_95_38_U2AF1_fix/all_sequences.fa
HTLV-1 reference obtained from:
GRCh38 and HTLV-1 references catted together and BWA index and alignment done with BWA version 0.7.17-r1198-dirty (bryanfisk/bwa:latest)
isub -i 'bryanfisk/bwa:latest' -m 32 -n 8
source $WORKING_DIR/git/htlv_integration_sites/envs.txt
echo "${FASTQ_NAMES[@]}"
for FASTQ_NAME in "${FASTQ_NAMES[@]}"; do
echo -e "\nProcessing FASTQ: $FASTQ_NAME (R1 and R2)"
SAMPLE=$(echo $FASTQ_NAME | awk -F_ '{print $2}')
echo "Will name output using sample name: $SAMPLE"
/usr/local/bwa/bwa mem -K 20000000 -t 8 -Y $WORKING_DIR/references/GRCh38+HTLV-1.fa $WORKING_DIR/fastqs/${FASTQ_NAME}R1_001.fastq.gz $WORKING_DIR/fastqs/${FASTQ_NAME}R2_001.fastq.gz | samtools view -o $WORKING_DIR/bams/${SAMPLE}.bam -Shb /dev/stdin
Alignments converted to bam, sorted, and indexed with samtools version 1.11
isub -i 'bryanfisk/bwa:latest' -m 32 -n 2
source $WORKING_DIR/git/htlv_integration_sites/envs.txt
for FASTQ_NAME in "${FASTQ_NAMES[@]}"; do
SAMPLE=$(echo $FASTQ_NAME | awk -F_ '{print $2}')
echo "Will name output using sample name: $SAMPLE"
samtools sort -o $WORKING_DIR/bams/${SAMPLE}.sorted.bam -O BAM $WORKING_DIR/bams/${SAMPLE}.bam
samtools index $WORKING_DIR/bams/${SAMPLE}.sorted.bam
Duplicates marked with picard version 2.22.8
cd $WORKING_DIR/tools
wget /~
isub -i 'bryanfisk/bwa:latest' -m 32 -n 2
source $WORKING_DIR/git/htlv_integration_sites/envs.txt
for FASTQ_NAME in "${FASTQ_NAMES[@]}"; do
SAMPLE=$(echo $FASTQ_NAME | awk -F_ '{print $2}')
echo "Will name output using sample name: $SAMPLE"
java -Xmx16g -jar $WORKING_DIR/tools/picard.jar MarkDuplicates I=$WORKING_DIR/bams/${SAMPLE}.sorted.bam O=$WORKING_DIR/bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted.bam M=$WORKING_DIR/metrics_files/${SAMPLE}.markdup.metrics
samtools index $WORKING_DIR/bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted.bam
Run samtools flagstats on dup marked BAMs
isub -m 32
source $WORKING_DIR/git/htlv_integration_sites/envs.txt
for FASTQ_NAME in "${FASTQ_NAMES[@]}"; do
SAMPLE=$(echo $FASTQ_NAME | awk -F_ '{print $2}')
echo "Will name output using sample name: $SAMPLE"
samtools flagstat $WORKING_DIR/bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted.bam > $WORKING_DIR/metrics_files/${SAMPLE}.flagstat.metrics
Produce a version of the duplicate marked BAM that is limited to only those alignments involving reads that contained the characterstic integration site sequence (TTTAGTACACA|TGTGTACTAAA) identified above
isub -m 32
source $WORKING_DIR/git/htlv_integration_sites/envs.txt
rm -f tmp/*
for FASTQ_NAME in "${FASTQ_NAMES[@]}"; do
SAMPLE=$(echo $FASTQ_NAME | awk -F_ '{print $2}')
echo -e "\nProducing integration site read list filtered BAM for $SAMPLE"
echo "samtools view -H bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted.bam > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted.bam.header"
samtools view -H bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted.bam > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted.bam.header
echo "samtools view bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted.bam | grep -F -f readlists/${SAMPLE}_ltr_integration_seq_read_ids.txt > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.sam"
samtools view bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted.bam | grep -F -f readlists/${SAMPLE}_ltr_integration_seq_read_ids.txt > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.sam
echo "cat tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted.bam.header tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.sam | samtools view -Sb - > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam"
cat tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted.bam.header tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.sam | samtools view -Sb - > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam
echo "samtools sort tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam -o bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam"
samtools sort tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam -o bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam
echo "samtools index bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam"
samtools index bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam
isub -m 32
source $WORKING_DIR/git/htlv_integration_sites/envs.txt
for FASTQ_NAME in "${FASTQ_NAMES[@]}"; do
SAMPLE=$(echo $FASTQ_NAME | awk -F_ '{print $2}')
echo -e "\nProcessing sample: $SAMPLE"
echo "Obtaining reads with supplemetary alignments to the virus"
echo "samtools view -f 2048 bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam 'NC_001436.1' | cut -f 1 | sort | uniq > readlists/${SAMPLE}_supplementary_virus_hit_read_ids.txt"
samtools view -f 2048 bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam 'NC_001436.1' | cut -f 1 | sort | uniq > readlists/${SAMPLE}_supplementary_virus_hit_read_ids.txt
wc -l readlists/${SAMPLE}_supplementary_virus_hit_read_ids.txt
echo -e "\nObtaining reads with primary alignments to the virus"
echo "samtools view -F 256 bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam 'NC_001436.1' | cut -f 1 | sort | uniq > readlists/${SAMPLE}_primary_virus_hit_read_ids.txt"
samtools view -F 256 bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam 'NC_001436.1' | cut -f 1 | sort | uniq > readlists/${SAMPLE}_primary_virus_hit_read_ids.txt
wc -l readlists/${SAMPLE}_primary_virus_hit_read_ids.txt
echo -e "\nCreating a unique list of reads with either supplementary or primary alignments to the virus"
echo "cat readlists/${SAMPLE}_supplementary_virus_hit_read_ids.txt readlists/${SAMPLE}_primary_virus_hit_read_ids.txt | sort | uniq > readlists/${SAMPLE}_virus_hit_read_ids.txt"
cat readlists/${SAMPLE}_supplementary_virus_hit_read_ids.txt readlists/${SAMPLE}_primary_virus_hit_read_ids.txt | sort | uniq > readlists/${SAMPLE}_virus_hit_read_ids.txt
wc -l readlists/${SAMPLE}_virus_hit_read_ids.txt
echo -e "\n"
Use the viral alignment read list to produce filtered BAM files with only those reads that have such alignments
isub -m 32
source $WORKING_DIR/git/htlv_integration_sites/envs.txt
for FASTQ_NAME in "${FASTQ_NAMES[@]}"; do
SAMPLE=$(echo $FASTQ_NAME | awk -F_ '{print $2}')
echo -e "\nProducing viral read list filtered BAM for $SAMPLE"
echo "samtools view -H bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam.header"
samtools view -H bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam.header
echo "samtools view bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam | grep -F -f readlists/${SAMPLE}_virus_hit_read_ids.txt > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted.viralreads.sam"
samtools view bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam | grep -F -f readlists/${SAMPLE}_virus_hit_read_ids.txt > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted.viralreads.sam
echo "cat tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam.header tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted.viralreads.sam | samtools view -Sb - > bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral.bam"
cat tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam.header tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted.viralreads.sam | samtools view -Sb - > bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral.bam
NOTE: It is possible that the above approach of limited to reads with a viral alignment could be too strict. A read may correspond to an integration event, have the characteristic LTR sequence, but not produce an alignment to the virus genome We should try the analysis, with and without this requirement and gauge impact
Use bedtools (v2.25.0) to create bed representations of the BAM alignments to facilitate integration site counting. At the same time apply filters to: require alignment, remove duplicates, prevent counting on the virus seq itself
Do this two ways: (1) with the marked-duplicate BAM, (2) with the BAM created from marked-duplicate BAM that also limits to viral hit reads produced above
isub -m 32
source $WORKING_DIR/git/htlv_integration_sites/envs.txt
rm -f tmp/*
for FASTQ_NAME in "${FASTQ_NAMES[@]}"; do
SAMPLE=$(echo $FASTQ_NAME | awk -F_ '{print $2}')
echo -e "\nProducing integration site counts $SAMPLE"
echo "samtools view -H bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam.header"
samtools view -H bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam.header
echo "samtools view -f 1 -F 1024 -q 20 bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered.sam"
samtools view -f 1 -F 1024 -q 20 bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered.sam
echo "cat tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam.header tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered.sam | samtools view -Sb - > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered.bam"
cat tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_ltr_integration_seq_reads.bam.header tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered.sam | samtools view -Sb - > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered.bam
echo "samtools sort tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered.bam -o bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered.bam"
samtools sort tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered.bam -o bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered.bam
echo "samtools index bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered.bam"
samtools index bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered.bam
echo "bedtools bamtobed -i bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered.bam > beds/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered.bed"
bedtools bamtobed -i bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered.bam > beds/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered.bed
echo "bedtools merge -i beds/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered.bed -c 1 -o count | grep -v 'NC_001436.1' > beds/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered_merged.bed"
bedtools merge -i beds/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered.bed -c 1 -o count | grep -v 'NC_001436.1' > beds/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered_merged.bed
echo "cp beds/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered_merged.bed counts/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered_merged.bed.tsv"
cp beds/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered_merged.bed counts/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_filtered_merged.bed.tsv
(2) with the BAM created from marked-duplicate BAM that also limits to viral hit reads produced above
isub -m 32
source $WORKING_DIR/git/htlv_integration_sites/envs.txt
rm -f tmp/*
for FASTQ_NAME in "${FASTQ_NAMES[@]}"; do
SAMPLE=$(echo $FASTQ_NAME | awk -F_ '{print $2}')
echo -e "\nProducing integration site counts $SAMPLE"
echo "samtools view -H bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral.bam > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral.bam.header"
samtools view -H bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral.bam > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral.bam.header
echo "samtools view -f 1 -F 1024 -q 20 bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral.bam > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered.sam"
samtools view -f 1 -F 1024 -q 20 bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral.bam > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered.sam
echo "cat tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral.bam.header tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered.sam | samtools view -Sb - > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered.bam"
cat tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral.bam.header tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered.sam | samtools view -Sb - > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered.bam
echo "samtools sort tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered.bam -o bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered.bam"
samtools sort tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered.bam -o bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered.bam
echo "samtools index bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered.bam"
samtools index bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered.bam
echo "bedtools bamtobed -i bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered.bam > beds/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered.bed"
bedtools bamtobed -i bams/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered.bam > beds/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered.bed
echo "bedtools merge -i beds/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered.bed -c 1 -o count | grep -v 'NC_001436.1' > beds/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered_merged.bed"
bedtools merge -i beds/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered.bed -c 1 -o count | grep -v 'NC_001436.1' > beds/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered_merged.bed
echo "cp beds/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered_merged.bed counts/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered_merged.bed.tsv"
cp beds/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered_merged.bed counts/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered_merged.bed.tsv
isub -m 32
source $WORKING_DIR/git/htlv_integration_sites/envs.txt
rm -f tmp/*
for FASTQ_NAME in "${FASTQ_NAMES[@]}"; do
SAMPLE=$(echo $FASTQ_NAME | awk -F_ '{print $2}')
awk -v sample="$SAMPLE" '{print $0 "\t" sample}' counts/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered_merged.bed.tsv > tmp/${SAMPLE}.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered_merged.bed.tsv
echo -e "chromosome\tstart_pos\tend_pos\tcount\tsample" > tmp/header.tsv
cat tmp/header.tsv tmp/*markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered_merged.bed.tsv > counts/ALL.markedsorted_with_hits_to_viral_filtered_merged.bed.tsv