Cordova plugin for showing a native spinner based on Paldom/SpinnerDialog
NPM Package: cordova-plugin-native-spinner
🔥 This Plugin is officially using in ionic-native 🔥
4.1+ ✔ | 10+ ✔ | WP 8.1+ ✔ | 10+ ✔ | Browser ✔ |
Latest stable release:
- PhoneGap -
phonegap local plugin add cordova-plugin-spinner-dialog
- Cordova -
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-spinner-dialog
Current state from git:
- PhoneGap -
phonegap local plugin add /~
- Cordova -
cordova plugin add /~
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-native-spinner
cordova prepare
- InAppBrowser Compatibility
- Change loading text if we call show function and loading dialog exists
- and tons fixes from here /~ ...
SpinnerDialog.hide[title], [message], [cancelCallback])
- title: Spinner title (Android only). Optional. (String)
- message: Spinner message. Optional. (String)
- cancelCallback: Callback to invoke when spinner cancel event fired (tap or Android hardware back button event). If set, spinner dialog will be fixed, you should explicitly call
. Due to legacy reasons you can provide boolean value (true/false) to set spinner not cancelable. Optional, defaults tofalse
. (Function/Boolean)
- wpStatusbar: Indicates whether to keep the status bar visible. (Windows 10 Mobile only). If set to
, only the spinner will be hidden, the status bar will remain visible if it was already visible. Optional, defaults tofalse
. (Boolean)
// Show spinner dialog;
// Show spinner dialog with message
// Note: spinner dialog is cancelable by default, "message");
// Set spinner dialog fixed, null, true);
// Set spinner dialog fixed with callback
// Note: callback fires on tap events and Android hardware back button click event, null, function () {console.log("callback");});
// Show spinner dialog with title and message (Android only)"title", "message");
// Set spinner dialog fixed (cannot be canceled with screen touch or Android hardware button)"title", "message", true);
// Overlay opacity and text color options (IOS only),"Message",true, {overlayOpacity: 0.35, textColorRed: 1, textColorGreen: 1, textColorBlue: 1});
// Change only overlay opacity (IOS only),"Message",true,{overlayOpacity:0.70});
// Change only text color (IOS only),"message",true, { textColorRed: 0.1, textColorGreen: 0.1, textColorBlue: 1});
// Hide spinner dialog
- Cordova 5.0 or higher is required for Windows 10 support.
- Windows 10 Mobile or Windows Phone 8.1 is required as desktop doesn't support StatusBar.
Demo app source code to test the plugin is available at the cordova-plugin-demos repository by Andrés Zsögön.
See "LICENSE". Based on /~ with lots of awesome improvements! ⭐ 🎉 🚀 ⭐