Lenovo has not officially released the M10 kernel source. So this is a modified copy of the released source for the P10 (TB-X705F), which is a similar device using the same SOC (SDA450).
Despite releasing 3.8.120 on all stock ROMs, Lenovo only released the source for 3.18.71. That kernel source has been merged with LA.UM.7.6.r1-05500-89xx.0.
This is still a work in progress.
See XDA thread for list of what's working and what's not.
To compile kernel:
_OPTS="-j8 -o ../out/target/product/msm8953_64/obj/KERNEL_OBJ ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-android- KCFLAGS=-mno-android "
cd kernel_dir
#make clean & make mrproper
make $_OPTS -C . YM_x605f_defconfig
make $_OPTS -C . headers_install
make $_OPTS -C .
It is not necessary, but you can build modules with:
make $_OPTS -C . modules
make $_OPTS -C . INSTALL_MOD_PATH=../../system INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 modules_install
If you want to ensure that modules are all build for the same kernel, set CONFIG_MODULE_SIG_FORCE=y in YM_x605f_defconfig.
If you do this, you will also need to compile and sign the /vendor/lib/modules/pronto/wlan_pronto.ko from CAF to make wifi work.
To compile pronto_wlan against a successfully compiled kernel:
cd prima_dir
#make clean
make $_OPTS $_WLAN -C kernel_dir M=prima_dir modules
make $_OPTS $_WLAN -C kernel_dir M=prima_dir INSTALL_MOD_PATH=../../system INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 modules_install
Note: prima_dir is ./vendor/qcom/opensource/wlan/prima. Use CAF msm8953_64 release for the version of Android for which you're building.