is a simple and light weight wrapper around snabbdom for scala.js.
The API of scalajs-snabbdom
is as close as possible to the interface of snabbdom
So for information about the usage, please refer to the documentation of snabbdom
Also the source of scalajs-snabbdom
is quite small, so don't be afraid to look into the source.
There is already another library raquo/Snabbdom.scala as a snabbdom wrapper,
but the project is archived and seems not to be maintained anymore. Also raquo/Snabbdom.scala
focuses more on type safty and is more complex to use.
To use the library extend your sbt build with:
resolvers in ThisBuild += "jitpack" at ""
libraryDependencies += "com.github.gregor-i.scalajs-snabbdom" %% "scalajs-snabbdom" % {current-version}
- Updated dependencies
- fixed import of snabbdom module
- upgraded to snabbdom 3.0
- added more Syntax Sugar
- enhanced Modal component with background setting
- moved components into this project
- moved toasts into this project
- dependency upgrades
- reworked api
- Hooks are now typed
- Node.event allows setting of a type parameter
- Removed Snabbdom.hook and Snabbdom.event
- Added Syntax object for easy conversion from Selectors to Nodes
- upgraded api for snabbdom
- release for scala.js
- initial release