A proxy/vpn app on Android. Rewrite of grape-networking in java.
- install the checkstyle-idea plugin
- download: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/checkstyle/checkstyle/checkstyle-8.34/src/main/resources/google_checks.xml (or equilvalent version to match the checkstyle gradle file)
- set
File->Settings->Editor->Code Style->Java->Import Scheme->CheckStyle Configuration
Github actions is configured to run a bunch of checks. If you want to test these locally before pushing you can do so as follows:
./gradlew lint
./gradlew checkstyle
./gradlew test
- Install java8 jre and jdk
- Ensure its being using with
sudo update-alternatives --config java
andsudo update-alternatives --config javac
- Install android studio sdk on host os (verify that this actually has to be done)
- Set $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT to the install location (verify that this actually has to be done) (see
) - Attach a phone, add user to plugdev, setup udev rules: https://developer.android.com/studio/run/device, authorize USB debugging
- verify with
adb devices
should see a serial number followed bydevice
- verify with
- Integrate a crash detection tool like firebase
- Explore metrics pipeline for telemetry
- UDP over Ipv6
- TCP over Ipv4
- TCP over Ipv6
- Multiple outbound interfaces
- UDP over Ipv4