Download data Human3.6m in exponential map can be downloaded from here.
Directory structure:
H3.6m |-- S1 |-- S5 |-- S6 |-- ... `-- S11
AMASS from their official website.
Directory structure:
amass |-- ACCAD |-- BioMotionLab_NTroje |-- CMU |-- ... `-- Transitions_mocap
Put all the downloaded datasets in ../datasets directory.
Create the environment
conda env create -f environment.yml
Activate the environment
conda activate dlproject
Get into src folder
cd src/
Submit the train task to GPU with the following command (indicated time necessary to reproduce results)
- Original STSGCN + TCN:
bsub -n 6 -W 24:00 -o output -R "rusage[mem=8192, ngpus_excl_p=1]" -R "select[gpu_mtotal0>=10240]" python train.py --data_dir DATA_DIR --dataset DATASET --output_n OUTPUT_N
- Simple RNN/GRU/LSTM:
bsub -n 6 -W 24:00 -o output -R "rusage[mem=8192, ngpus_excl_p=1]" -R "select[gpu_mtotal0>=10240]" python train.py --data_dir DATA_DIR --dataset DATASET --output_n OUTPUT_N --gen_model simple_rnn --recurrent_cell RECURRENT_CELL --gen_clip_grad 1.0 --gen_lr 0.001
- STSGCNEncoder + AttentionDecoder:
bsub -n 6 -W 24:00 -o output -R "rusage[mem=8192, ngpus_excl_p=1]" -R "select[gpu_mtotal0>=10240]" python train.py --data_dir DATA_DIR --dataset DATASET --output_n OUTPUT_N --gen_model stsgcn_transformer --gen_milestones 5 15 25 35 --gen_clip_grad 1.0
- STSGCNEncoder + RNNDecoder:
bsub -n 6 -W 24:00 -o output -R "rusage[mem=8192, ngpus_excl_p=1]" -R "select[gpu_mtotal0>=10240]" python train.py --data_dir DATA_DIR --dataset DATASET --output_n OUTPUT_N --gen_model rnn_stsE --batch_size 64 --gen_lr 0.001 --early_stop_patience 5 --gen_clip_grad 1.0 --recurrent_cell RECURRENT_CELL
STSGCN + MotionDisc:
- Amass:
bsub -n 6 -W 24:00 -o output -R "rusage[mem=8192, ngpus_excl_p=1]" -R "select[gpu_mtotal0>=10240]" python train.py --data_dir DATA_DIR --dataset amass_3d --output_n OUTPUT_N --gen_model stsgcn --gen_clip_grad 10 --use_disc
- H36M:
bsub -n 6 -W 24:00 -o output -R "rusage[mem=8192, ngpus_excl_p=1]" -R "select[gpu_mtotal0>=10240]" python train.py --data_dir DATA_DIR --dataset h36m_3d --output_n OUTPUT_N --gen_model stsgcn --use_disc
STSGCNEncoder + RNNDecoder + MotionDisc:
bsub -n 6 -W 24:00 -o output -R "rusage[mem=8192, ngpus_excl_p=1]" -R "select[gpu_mtotal0>=10240]" python train.py --data_dir DATA_DIR --dataset DATASET --output_n OUTPUT_N --gen_model rnn_stsE --batch_size 64 --gen_lr 0.001 --early_stop_patience 10 --gen_clip_grad 1.0 --recurrent_cell RECURRENT_CELL --use_disc
- STSGCNEncoder + AttentionDecoder + MotionDisc:
bsub -n 6 -W 24:00 -o output -R "rusage[mem=8192, ngpus_excl_p=1]" -R "select[gpu_mtotal0>=10240]" python train.py --data_dir DATA_DIR --dataset DATASET --output_n OUTPUT_N --gen_model stsgcn_transformer --gen_milestones 5 15 25 35 --use_disc
DATA_DIR should be the directory where the datasets are located
DATASET should be amass_3d or h36m_3d
OUTPUT_N should be 10 or 25
RECURRENT_CELL should be lstm or gru or rnn
Submit the test task to GPU with the following command
- Original STSGCN + TCN:
bsub -n 6 -W 4:00 -o output -R "rusage[mem=8192, ngpus_excl_p=1]" -R "select[gpu_mtotal0>=10240]" python test.py --data_dir DATA_DIR --dataset DATASET --output_n OUTPUT_N --model_loc MODEL_LOCATION
- Simple RNN/GRU/LSTM:
bsub -n 6 -W 4:00 -o output -R "rusage[mem=8192, ngpus_excl_p=1]" -R "select[gpu_mtotal0>=10240]" python test.py --data_dir DATA_DIR --dataset DATASET --output_n OUTPUT_N --gen_model simple_rnn --recurrent_cell RECURRENT_CELL --model_loc MODEL_LOCATION
- STSGCNEncoder + AttentionDecoder:
bsub -n 6 -W 4:00 -o output -R "rusage[mem=8192, ngpus_excl_p=1]" -R "select[gpu_mtotal0>=10240]" python test.py --data_dir DATA_DIR --dataset DATASET --output_n OUTPUT_N --gen_model stsgcn_transformer --model_loc MODEL_LOCATION
- STSGCNEncoder + RNNDecoder:
bsub -n 6 -W 4:00 -o output -R "rusage[mem=8192, ngpus_excl_p=1]" -R "select[gpu_mtotal0>=10240]" python test.py --data_dir DATA_DIR --dataset DATASET --output_n OUTPUT_N --gen_model rnn_stsE --batch_size 64 --recurrent_cell RECURRENT_CELL --model_loc MODEL_LOCATION
MODEL_LOCATION is the location of stored best_model after training
Note: This repository borrows code from /~https://github.com/FraLuca/STSGCN