Welcome to the Gowento Full Stack Developer Challenge.
It is designed to immerse you in a project that leverages tools and libraries that are actually in use at Gowento.
We are aware that such challenges can be perceived as stressful, but we do not want it to be intrusive, and we want the process to remain fun. This is why we want you to allocate yourself a limited and reasonable timeframe to work on the challenge, which should not exceed two hours.
Your contribution will consist in:
- a text document
- some code
In both cases, your output should be written in a quality standard that you consider good enough to ship.
First of all, please fork this repository.
We expect you to commit all your work to your fork of this repository. This will be your deliverable.
If you do not wish your work to be publicly available, please provide us with a method of accessing your private fork of the repository.
When you are done, please submit your work by e-mail to hackers@gowento.com, and let us know how long you ultimately spent on the challenge.
Your application will be thoroughly reviewed by the product and engineering team at Gowento.
If the recruiting process moves forward, your work will be used as a base for discussion.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any question or comment.
It's your turn now. Go read the CHALLENGE.md file, and enjoy!
Thank you for your time, and see you on the other side.