Hi! You might be wondering what Goonstation exactly is.
To put it short, we're developers of a multiplayer sci-fi sandbox simulation video game.
To put it a bit longer, 'Goonstation' is the longest running Space Station 13 (SS13) community established way back in 2008. Built on top of the original source code, all forks are derived from our codebase. The general SS13 community has a large presence on GitHub, being the largest open-source video game project.
To get involved and contribute, check out our community below.
The main Goonstation repository is at: /~https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation
We deal with almost all contributing and developing matters there.
Discord is the place to talk to fellow players, admins, and devs in realtime. There's plenty of friendly people there, capable of answering most of your questions.
The forums are where we get most of our player feedback/suggestions and talk about things in a more longform format. This is also the place to appeal any bans or give admin feedback.
Our wiki is the place to go for any information you seek on the various constructions, items, game modes, and more in-game. There's also guides for various jobs on station!
Goonhub is the premier place for locating statistics, data about rounds, detailed game maps, and all other links pertaining to Goonstation!