Converts PDFs into CSVs. Now just want to add extra features to make it friendly to use.
tabula-py: (the one I'm using) /~
Camelot: /~
- tabula-py: Extracts tables from PDF files
- pandas: Data manipulation
- (Its meant to be used in PDFs that have tables, otherwise might not work (or make sense to use))
- Choosing which page is turning into a csv file.
- Batch Processing:: Automating the conversion of multiple PDF files.(by providing a directory as input )
- Error Handling: provide info messages with issues such as: missing input files, invalid page numbers, or failed conversions.
- Documentation: With examples and troubleshooting tips.
- Customizable Output: Allow users to to customize the output according to their needs. Such as:
- delimiter: to separate individual fields. Common ones are: commas (,), semicolons (;), tabs (\t), or pipes (|).
- encoding: Different encodings support different sets of characters. ???
- Header/footer exclusion: Exclude the name of columns
- Column removal: maybe certain columns are not desirable in the output.
- costum header names: We can change the names of the variables to ones that make more sense.
I wanted to manage my spendings and plan my financial life as a responsible indiviudal. My bank has the possibility of retrieving PDFs of previous months (indefinitely). So I wanted to check how much money I spent and in what. That requires labeling it, manually, but thats manageable. What wasn't manageable was copying all the transactions... That's when i looked for libraries to solve this. I FOUND tabula-py !!! Now I just wanted to make it easy to use.