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Some LaTeX tools in the proposal

Collaborative Editing: The edit.tex file has some definitions that make collaborative editing easier.

  • Named commands:
These definitions define a \name command which, when used like:
   \name{Some comment.}
will produce:
   Name says:  Some commnet.
in the generated PDF. The comment will also be colored with NAME's color.
    `\newcommand{\name}[1]{{\color{Red}Name says:~#1}}`
To use: Replace \name and Name with an editors name.

Compiling the proposal

As long as you have a full TexLive distribution, you can compile this document by typing:


At the command line. The make command will generate a main.pdf file from the main.tex file, and a flattened (stand-alone) version of main.tex, called main.flt, which includes all the imported tex (like through \input{} or \include{}) and all the bibliography info from the bibtex generated main.bbl (from the main.bib file). This is to allow easy submission to journals, and makes using latexdiff much, much easier.

Makefile options

make once: Compile the document once and stop if any errors are detected.

make force: Compile the document once even if the PDF file is up to date.

make clean: Remove all regenerateable files except postscript, dvi, and PDF.

make distclean: Remove all regenerateable files including postscript, dvi, and PDF.

make continuous: Continuously look for changes and update the PDF automatically. This command will work best when you setup a .latexmkrc file in your home directory that, at the least, sets the previewer you want to use (e.g., evince, xpdf, acroread). To do that, place $pdf_previewer="start evince %O %S" in that file. This will also capture your terminal so it works best to run this in its own terminal. WARNING: this will not update the flattened file -- make sure to run make on its own again before committing changes.

Note: Makefile, and this template assumes your proposal is named main.tex. You can change the make target by running


where ALT_TARGET is the name of the alternate LaTeX file without the .tex extension (e.g., to compile alternate.tex, you'd run make MAIN=alternate), and OPTIONS is any of the above make options.

This Makefile was adapted from: Drew Silcock's blog.

The DOE proposal template

This template was adapted from an NSF proposal template with a distinguished history.

The initial version came from Sarah Gille at Scripps.

It was then modified by Rn Grapenthin to fit the needs of 12/2014 NSF GPG.

It has since been modified by J. H. Kennedy to create a DOE style proposal in line with XXX.

Fair warning

Obviously it is your responsibility to make sure that everything is, in fact, in agreement with the most current DOE Grant Proposal Guide and the respective program's solicitation! This is all provided as-is and no blame or responsibility for anything will be taken.

Good luck!


A latex template for DOE proposals






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  • C 39.3%
  • TeX 26.6%
  • Perl 21.4%
  • Makefile 9.9%
  • Shell 2.8%