Blockchain Node build guide and test
Bitcoin raw transaction test
Blockchain Node build guide
- Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Dash (DSH), Qtum (QTUM), Verge (XVG), Ripple (XRP), Dogecoin (DOGE)
EOS: EOS (EOS) build guide & test
- Ethereum ERC-20, ERC-1155 (NFT, FT) Token Create & Deploy test
- Ethereum Smart Contract Tools Guide (Truffle, Hardhat, Foundry)
RSA: C++(Crypto++) with PHP test
ViaBTC: Build & Setup & HTTP-RPC API test
Bitcoin halving interver calculator
OpenSSL AES-(128,256)-CBC encryption/decryption example
Crypto++: AES-256-CBC test
Crypto++: RSA PEM test
If this project help you reduce time to develop, you can give me a cup of coffee :)
(BitcoinCash) -> bitcoincash:qqls8jsln7w5vzd32g4yrwprstu57aa8rgf4yvsm3m
(Bitcoin) -> 16kC7PUd75rvmwom4oftXRyg3gR9KTPb4m
(Ethereum) -> 0x90B45D2CBBB0367D50590659845C486497F89cBB