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Shani on browser (shani-ob) is an open source javascript library that use html attributes to interact with server via WebSocket, AJAX and Server-Sent-Event using the idea of HATEOAS


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Shani on browser (shani-ob) is an open source javascript library that use html attributes to interact with server via WebSocket, AJAX and Server-Sent-Event using the idea of HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the engine of application state).

Main Features

  1. Support all major browsers
  2. Uses available HTML attributes and custom attributes to interact with the server
  3. Supports custom HTTP methods for REST application
  4. Zero dependency
  5. Web Socket support
  6. Server Sent Event (SSE) support
  7. AJAX support
  8. Custom Events support
  9. Event Synchronization
  10. 3rd part extensions and library support
  11. Framework agnostic
  12. Direct supports for JSON, XML, CSV and YAML


<script defer src="/~"></script>


Shani-ob has the following attributes:

  1. shani-fn
  2. shani-target
  3. shani-header
  4. shani-plugin
  5. shani-poll
  6. shani-insert
  7. shani-css
  8. shani-scheme
  9. shani-watch
  10. watch-on
  11. shani-on
  12. shani-log
  13. watch-xss

Other supported HTML attributes are:

  1. enctype
  2. method
  3. action
  4. href

Let us learn by examples. Look at the following html codes:

<input type="search" shani-fn="r" shani-on="keyup|change" id="search" method="GET" action="/users/search" />
  • The attribute shani-on accepts one or more valid JavaScript events separated by | (pipe). This tells the browser to register events keyup and change (in this case) on input element. If attribute shani-on was not specified, the default shani-on="change" will be used (for all input, select and textarea elements).

  • Attribute shani-fn has the value r which tells the browser to read data from server using GET method. Other values for shani-fn includes w, copy, print and fs. The descriptions about these values will be given later.

  • The main difference between r (read) and w (write) callbacks is that r uses 'GET' as default HTTP method while w uses 'POST' as default HTTP method. However, you can override HTTP method using method attribute on both callbacks.

  • The method attribute tells the browser to use HTTP GET request method to fetch data using AJAX. You can use any request method including your custom request methods supported by your server.

  • The action attribute specifies the URL that will handle the request. Other attributes that can be used instead of action attribute include href or value attribute.

Now consider the following HTML code:

<div shani-watch="input#search" watch-on="change" shani-insert="replace"></div>
  • The div element listens for change event on input element with id of search so that whenever the result is returned by the browser is inserted to the div element (replacing the existing content inside div).

1. Attributes

1.1 shani-fn


shani-fn or shani function is used to define a callback function for given event(s)


shani-fn="value" where value can be one of

  • r (reading from server e.g: shani-fn="r")
  • w (writing to server e.g: shani-fn="w")
  • print (printing part of html document e.g: shani-fn="print" shani-target="selector")
  • fs (full screen part of html document e.g: shani-fn="fs" shani-target="selector")
  • copy (copy content of a document e.g: shani-fn="fs" shani-target="selector")


<a shani-fn="r" shani-on="click" method="GET" href="/users/2/profile">View my Profile</a>


When a link is clicked, the callback r is called, triggering GET request to URL specified by href attribute. The output is discarded. if you want to insert the output to the DOM then use shani-insert attribute.

1.2 shani-target


shani-target is used to define a target element which will be affected by the callback action. This attribute is used only when shani-fn="print|fs|copy".


shani-target="selector" where selector can be any valid css selector.

Example 1:

<button shani-fn="print" shani-target="div#page2">Print Page 2</button>


When a button is clicked, the callback print is called, triggering print dialog box to print the content of div#page2.

Example 2:

<button shani-fn="copy" shani-target="div#page2">Copy Page 2</button>


When a button is clicked, the callback copy is called, copying the content of div#page2 to clipboard.

Example 3:

<button shani-fn="fs" shani-target="div#page2">View full Scrren</button>


When a button is clicked, the callback fs is called, triggering full screen showing only the content of div#page2.

1.3 shani-header


shani-header sends one or more HTTP headers to server. Any HTTP header including custom headers can be send. Multiple headers are separated by | (pipe) while header key and value are separated by : (colon).




<div shani-header="x-powered-by:shani-ob|accept:text/html" action="/users/3" shani-on="load" shani-fn="r" shani-insert="replace">Loading content, please wait...</div>


when page loaded send the headers x-powered-by and accept then get content from "/users/3" and insert into this div.

1.4 shani-plugin


shani-plugin invoke user defined JavaScript function when an event is fired by Shani object. User can listen to an event generated via shani:plugin:pluginName using document object and perform the required action. If parameters were given, these parameters will be available on event.detail object. Use a single space as a parameter separator, multiple plugins are separated by |.




<a href="/users" shani-plugin="404:toaster:color red" shani-fn="r">View All</a>


When a link is clicked and the status code 404 is returned, fire the event named shani:plugin:toaster. The event object will contain detail object with object {event: "plugin:toaster", params: "color red"}. Note the space which was used to separate parameters. You can listen for this event using document object and act accordingly.


document.addEventListener('shani:plugin:toaster', function(e){

1.5 shani-poll


shani-poll used to create polling via AJAX to a remote server. It can be used to run callback given the defined duration in seconds. If you set start and steps but without limit, it will poll indefinitely.




<a href="/users/0/data" shani-poll="2:3:5" shani-fn="r">Click me</a>


When a link is clicked, after two seconds the data will be fetched from "/users/0/data" then after every three seconds the same action will be repeated for five times then it will stop.

1.6 shani-insert


shani-insert is used to insert content fetched from server to html page.



Example 1: (Insert before this element)

<a href="/users/0/data" shani-fn="r" shani-insert="before">Insert before Me</a>

Example 2: (Insert after this element)

<a href="/users/0/data" shani-fn="r" shani-insert="after">Insert after Me</a>

Example 3: (Insert as a first child of this element)

<a href="/users/1" shani-fn="r" shani-insert="first">Insert before my first child</a>

Example 4: (Insert as a last child of this element)

<a href="/users" shani-fn="r" shani-insert="last">Insert after my last child</a>

Example 5: (Replace this element's content)

<a href="/users/3" shani-fn="r" shani-insert="replace">Replace my content</a>

Example 6: (Delete this element)

<a href="/users/0/data" shani-fn="r" shani-insert="delete">Delete Me</a>

Example 7: (Insert after this element then delete this element)

<a href="/users/0/data" shani-fn="r" shani-insert="remove">Insert after Me, then delete me</a>

1.7 shani-css


shani-css is used to manipulate CSS classes based on given event fired by an element or a status code returned by server. You can use multiple callbacks separated by |


shani-css="event_or_statusCode:[add|remove|replace|toggle]:[class1[ class2]]"

Example 1: (Adding classes to an element)

<a href="/users/3" shani-fn="r" shani-css="404:add:danger bold">Click me</a>


When status code 404 is returned by server, add CSS classes danger and bold to element a

Example 2: (Removing classes from an element)

<a href="/users" shani-fn="r" shani-css="200:remove:danger bold">Click me</a>


When status code 200 is returned by server, remove CSS danger and bold classes from element a

Example 3: (Replace classes from element)

<a href="/users" shani-fn="r" shani-css="success:replace:danger alert">Click me</a>


When event success is fired by an element, replace it's danger class with alert class.

Example 4: (Toggle classes on element)

<a href="/users/4" shani-fn="r" shani-css="400:toggle:danger alert">Click me</a>


When status code 400 is returned, toggle danger and alert classes of element a

1.8 shani-scheme


In Shani-ob, all requests send by the browser via AJAX, if you want to establish web socket connection or server-sent-event ,use shani-scheme with values ws and sse respectively where ws refers to web socket and sse is server sent event. Make sure your web server supports web socket or server sent event before using this feature.



Example 1: (Using web socket)

<a href="/users/0/data" shani-fn="r" shani-scheme="ws">Click me</a>


Establish a web socket connection to ws://[yourhost]/users/0/data when a link is clicked.

Example 2: (Using server-sent-event)

<a href="/users/0/data" shani-fn="r" shani-scheme="sse">Click me</a>


When a link is clicked, establish server-sent-event connection to [yourhost]/users/0/data. The default scheme used here is the current scheme used by web browser (either HTTP or HTTPS)

1.9 shani-watch


shani-watch attribute is used to watch for events fired by another HTML element then perform required action. One element fire event, another element react to that event. You can watch one or more elements separated by comma.




<div class="container" shani-watch="#profile" watch-on="click"></div>


This div.container watches for an element with id profile when it is clicked. You can omit watch-on attribute to watch for an element as soon as it is created.

1.10 watch-on


watch-on attribute is used to define watching events fired by element or status codes returned by server. It is used along side with shani-watch attribute.

Some built-in events have direct meaning, such as:

  1. ready fired when server returns response
  2. abort fired when connection to server is cancelled by client
  3. error fired when client fails to connect to server
  4. timeout fired when connection to server timed out
  5. loadstart fired when client successfully establish connection to server
  6. end fired when server finished to send data to client
  7. progress fired when server is processing the client request (e.g: during file upload)
  8. init fired when shani object is created
  9. copy fired when page content is copied
  10. load fired when the page loads
  11. demand fired when the element is visible to the DOM




<div class="container" shani-watch="#profile" watch-on="click"></div>


This div.container watches for an element with id profile when it is clicked. If you omit watch-on attribute the default value will be watch-on="init".

1.11 shani-on


shani-on attribute is used to define events fired by element. It is used alongside with shani-fn attribute. There are default events for some elements as follows:

  • submit for form elements
  • change for input, select and textarea elements
  • click for all other elements

You can attach one or more events to listen on a single element. If you omit this attribute the defaults will me assumed.




<a class="button" shani-fn="r" shani-on="click" href="/users/0/profile"></a>


This div.container watches for an element with id profile when it is clicked. If you omit watch-on attribute the default value will be watch-on="init".

1.12 shani-log


shani-log attribute is used to display on console the request and response data as well as response headers coming from server. This attribute is handy only for debugging purpose.




<form method="POST" enctype="application/json" shani-log="true" shani-fn="w" action="/handler/form"></form>


When set to true, the raw request data will be printed on console.

1.13 watch-xss


watch-xss attribute is used to prevent response content from being injected into the DOM as HTML markups. This is important to prevent XSS attack. This attribute is only available with watcher elements (Elements with shani-watch attributes).




<div shani-watch="#form" watch-on="200" watch-xss="true">Waiting for server response</div>


When set to true, the server response will be inserted into the div as plain text, otherwise the default behavior is assumed. The default behavior is to check for HTTP content-type header and to decide how to handle contents from server. If the content-type is html then HTML content will be injected as HTML markup, otherwise content will be injected as plain texts.


  • To disable any element use disable attribute of the HTML
  • You can listen to all events using * eg: watch-on="*"

Sending JSON, XML, CSV or YAML

You can directly send JSON, XML, CSV or YAML to server using shani-ob. This can be achieved through enctype attribute or shani-header="content-type:[your/type]" where [your/type] can be any of application/json, text/yaml, application/xml or text/csv depending what type your server supports. Look at the following example:

<form method="POST" enctype="application/json" shani-on="submit" shani-fn="w" action="/handler/form"></form>


The form above will be sent to /handler/form using POST HTTP method as application/json.

Mind you that this current version of shani-ob does not support sending file as JSON.

Shanifying your HTML

You can programatically apply Shanify global method to any element on page.


window.Shanify(HTMLElement|string nodes_or_selector, object shaniAttributes, bool applyToSelf = false);


Shanify('.page', {
}, false);


nodes_or_selector can be of type string or HTMLElement, if it is string then it must be valid CSS selector. shaniAttributes must be object of supported Shani attributes alongside with their values. When applyToSelf is set to true, then nodes_or_selector will be shanified, else it's children will be shanified.


Shani supports request redirection in two ways:

  1. Ajax redirection via response header x-ajax set to 1
  2. Normal HTTP redirection

Both types of redirection must supported by server through response header location and status code `300 <= status code < 400.

If x-ajax response header is not provided, then the redirection is handled normally. When this happens and the request URL is # then self page refresh is performed, i.e history.go(0), otherwise the redirection is done following the URL.

If x-ajax response header is provided, server can also add additional header that are supported by Shani. These headers MUST be valid Shani attributes mentioned under Usage section.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.




Shani on browser (shani-ob) is an open source javascript library that use html attributes to interact with server via WebSocket, AJAX and Server-Sent-Event using the idea of HATEOAS








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