- Class B: Group I - Group XIII
- Class A: Group XIV - Group XXVIII
- Class C: Group XXIX - Group XXXVII
- (151111123) Jangkung Ari Mukti
- (151111083) Chandra Hadi P
- (151111017) Khilmi Abdurrohman
Solar System
- 11 Object => Matahari, 8 planet, bulan, cincin Saturnus
- Week1: Creating github repository. Next week expectation: Creating object
- (151111048) Imam Baihaqi
- (151111020) Ganis Ilham A
- (151111125) M Hafid Bahrul M
- (151111043) R. Rama Jakalana
- (151111054) Firda Riant Perdana P.
- (151111113) M. Alief Husnawan
- Cammera assembling
- (151111053) Teguh Hidayanto
- (151111085) Fazar Arizal F
- (151111096) Ardyan Reza P
- Flying Car: Camera following car, car has two copters
- (151111037) Putra Bagas P
- (151111108) Joko samudro
- (151111116) achmad aulya
- Fan: two movement, fan direction and the propeller
- (151111019) Kaleb Molewe
- (151111055) Quraisy Saktiawan S
- (151111124) Ode Samsul
- (141111049) Novan Satria Y
- (141111061) Noviyan Arigo S
- (141111041) B Randiano Utomo
- Turbin
- (141111033) Safirudin Harianto
- (141111036) M Nur Fauzi I
- (141111037) Dita Kurnia Sandi
- Hidrolic pump
- (151111040) Martino Andy
- (151111071) Nikko Edy R
- (151111079) Adih Suryatama
- Helicopter
- (151111088) Robert saputra
- (151111045) Donny febrian H
- (141111042) Rifki P.P
- Piston simulation
- (151111082) Stevanus Evo
- (151111026) Ikbal
- (151111106) Erikson P Yosep
- (151111084) mukhlas aziz ilham
- (151111099) restu ilham firmansyah
- (151111100) yosep freinademetz vicky atawuwur
- Bunga
- (141111059) M.firmansyah ALnaufal G
- (151111011) yohanes dwi listio
- (151111014) arrizky rahmat alifiansyah
- solar eclipse
- (151111021) amy kartika sari
- (151111031) arizki redita
- (151111061) danni nur cahyani
- Fan: Speed control, direction propeller
- (151111081) rafi pratama adji
- (151111041) ninda zulistyaningsih
- (151111121) m. tegar maha putra
- Football's offense & defense simulation
- (151111049) Ahmad Setyo Aldi
- (151111080) Alfin Novri Falahin
- (151111118) Muh. Zuhairudin
Simulasi Sistem peredaran Tata Surya Pada projek ini akan ditampilkan perputaran planet-planet terhadap matahari dengan bentuk 3D
- (151111057) maulidta yuli pratiwi
- (151111001) margaretha cindy olivia
- (151111050) vina dwi elviani
- truck
- (151111025) irvan muhammad
- (151111087) fajar rivaldi
- (151111092) aditya riosantoso
- Zepellin
- (141111063) Bagus Nur Mochammad
- Car drift simulation
- (151111009) Yoga Nanda Saputra
- (151111008) Benny Putra Halim
- (151111022) Mega Ristanti
- Submnarine
- (151111034) Alpin Janitra
- (151111119) Alim Arief
- (151111075) Yoppie Raditya
- (151111091) Gustav Arthur
- Music Box: 2 gears and an object
- (151111004) Yosua Hadinata
- (151111063) Ugik Hariyanto
- (151111064) Moch Afriza
- Clock
- (151111097) Nikki Rufiansya
- (151111035) Ashlih Q.A
- (151111005) Dicky Irfan
- Sun, earth & moon
- (151111089) Aryo Wibowo
- (151111066) Handyan Ihza R
- Android logo, controllable
- (151111029) Dian Dwi Susanto
- (151111044) Widiya Mayangsari
- (151111107) Maudi Octavia Citra
- Copter toy simulation
- (151111039) Syihab
- (151111114) Muhshi Chakra dhistar
- (141111079) Danang Nugroho Adi
- (151111023) Baiq Farida Nolawangi
- (151111018) Jumawal
- Fan
- (151111016) Ardy Bagus
- (151111047) Frederico
- (151111078) Rizal Arosyid
- (111110424) Miftah Muhammad
- (151111046) Syahdan Hidayat
- (151111136) Raynaldi Susanto
- Jembatan
- (151111086) Luthfan Ersa Kamal
- (141111075) Muh. Fakeh Zainal A.
- Lapisan Bumi
- (151111058) Eko Teguh Prasetyo
- (151111093) Arif fatur rahman saleh
Jam dinding
- (151111003) Denny Restu P
- (151111002) Iiq Fatma ARS
- (151111015) Laurent Bagaskara
- (111110437) Fajar Fandi Fatgehipon
- Tata surya
- (151111126) Wahyu Tri Imansyah
- (151111094) Arif Akbar
- (151111112) Catura Bagastra
Simulasi orang berjalan
- (151111077) Nando S.P.
- Bounce
- (151111027) Akmalul Hikam
- (151111007) Daniel EKo Prasetyo T
- alat es serut
- (141111092) Andrew Fide Prasetyo
- (141111010) Dendy Asadila
- (141111031) Andry Prasetyo
- (141111030) Dicky Ari Wicaksono
- (141111074) Rissa Arimawan
*Simulasi Taman