AssaultCube is a FREE, multiplayer, first-person shooter game, based on the CUBE engine.
Taking place in realistic environments, with fast, arcade gameplay, it's addictive and fun!
With efficient bandwidth usage, it's low-latency and can even run over a 56 Kbps connection. It's tiny too, weighing in at a lightweight about 50 MB package available for Windows, Linux, Mac. On the correct settings, it can even run on old hardware (Pentium III and above).
- It's FREE.
- Source code is available under a zlib-like open source license.
- Low latency, it can even run across a 56 Kbps connection!
- Lightweight size, only about 50 MB to download, plus additional maps average 20 KB each!
- With the correct settings, it can run on old hardware (Pentium III and above).
- Officially runs on most major systems (Windows: 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10, Linux, Mac OS X: 10.6+), and maybe even some non-major ones?
- Has a built in, in-game map editor to help players create their own maps and allows for co-operative editmode in realtime with others!
- Features a single-player bot system.
- Supports recording of your game by the "demo" system.
- Contains many multiplayer game modes, including: Deathmatch, Survivor, Capture the Flag, Hunt the Flag, Keep the Flag, Pistol Frenzy, Last Swiss Standing & One-Shot One-Kill (plus team versions of these modes).
- Comes pre-packaged with several dozen different maps!
Most of this README was directly copied from the AssaultCube Homepage, which should have everything you need in relation to AssaultCube.
You may redistribute AssaultCube in any way the license permits, such as the free unmodified distribution of AssaultCube's source and binaries. If you have any doubts, you can look at the license.
- Infinite ammo
- Quick recharge
- All weapons are automatic
- You can select any weapon
- Recoil is disabled
- You can disable gunwait(not working in multiplayer)(
/gunwaithack 1
) - All weapons have scopes like a sniper rifle
- You can change the speed of movement(
) - You can turn on the editor in multiplayer
- You can fly(
/flyAndNoclip 1
) - You can change the gravity(
) - You can make the light at 100%(/lighthack 1)
- Enemies are displayed on the map
- You can enable automatic shooting at enemies(
/autoaim 1
+/autoshot 1
) - You can spam in the chat by switching the team(
/spamteamswitch 1
) - You can spam suicide(
/spamsuicide 1
The game itself is distributed under its own license. All changes of this modification are distributed under the GPLv3 license
- Бесконечные патроны
- Быстрая перезарядка
- Всё оружие автоматическое
- Можно выбрать любое оружие
- Отключена отдача
- Можно ускорить стрельбу(не работает в мультиплеере)(
/gunwaithack 1
) - Всё оружие имеет прицелы, как у снайперской винтовки
- Можно менять скорость передвижения(
) - Можно включать editor в мультиплеере
- Можно летать(
/flyAndNoclip 1
) - Можно менять гравитацию(
) - Можно сделать свет на 100%(/lighthack 1)
- На карте отображаются враги
- Можно включить автоматическую стрельбу по врагам(
/autoaim 1
+/autoshot 1
) - Можно спамить в чат сменой команды(
/spamteamswitch 1
) - Можно спамить самоубийством(
/spamsuicide 1
Сама игра распространяется по собственной лицензии. Все изменения этой модификации распространяются по лицензии GPLv3