CBiRRT algorithm for manipulator robot implemented in Matlab.
The Constrained Bidirectional Rapidly Exploring Random Tree (CBiRRT) Algorithm for path planning is implemented for a robot manipulator in Matlab. The implementation is carried out by referring to the following papers:
- Berenson, D., Srinivasa, S. and Kuffner, J. (2011) ‘Task Space Regions: A framework for pose-constrained manipulation planning’, The International Journal of Robotics Research, 30(12), pp. 1435–1460. doi: 10.1177/0278364910396389.
- Berenson, Dmitry & Srinivasa, Siddhartha & Ferguson, Dave & Kuffner, James. (2009). Manipulation planning on constraint manifolds. 625-632. 10.1109/ROBOT.2009.5152399.
[path, debug] = CBiRRT(n_start,n_goal,robot,TSR,check_self_collision,max_step,eps,max_iteration)
In order to execute the CBiRRT function you must provide the following input parameters :
Input Parameter | Description | DataType |
n_start |
starting configuration node | Node |
n_goal |
goal configuration node | Node |
robot |
robot model | rigidBodyTree |
Task Space Region | TSR |
check_self_collision |
enable robot self collision | bool |
max_step |
max distance update configuration | float |
eps |
TSR tolerance | float |
max_iteration |
stop condition | int |
The function provides the following outputs:
Output | Description | DataType |
path |
set of nodes that compose the path | array(Node) |
debug |
structure for debugging | struct |
The "CBiRRT" algorithm is composed by the following functions:
- RandomConfig
- NearestNeighbor
- ConstraintExtend
- ProjectConfig
The listed functions are described in the papers cited previously [1],[2].
Shows the path given as input in the operational space.
Sets the figure showing the starting configuration of the robot, the goal configuration and the animation of the robot during the computed path in the operational space.
Shows the nodes belonging to the two different trees in the operational space.
An usage example is reported in the example.m file.
- Implementation of the Node and Tree classes and their related functions.
- Implementation of the BiRRT algorithm.
- Implementation of the TSR class and of the CBiRRT algorithm.
- Implementation of the robot self collision check.
- Update README.
- Improve the algorithm's efficiency.
- Implement ConstraintConfig function and TSR Chain.
- Implement AddRoot function.
- Implement SmoothPath function.
Alessandro Quatela - @qualex97 - a.quatela1@studenti.poliba.it
Giuseppe Roberto - @gmeidk - g.roberto1@studenti.poliba.it
Project Link: /~https://github.com/gmeidk/CBiRRT