You can use pre-built executables from Releases page, or build it by yourself from source guide link.
- Install userscript manager
- Click to link and then "Install"
- Navigate to
In this case posting to chat will not work.
In userscript version, "Download" link is absent, so you can use downloaderNode (or other program) to download broadcasts:
My standalone periscope nodejs downloader
- New broadcasts after refresh are highlited
- Now thumbnail previews of replays open in new window even in suerscript
- Download button changes
- You can select users who's braodcasts will be recorded
- New video downloader based on Node.js. It's more reliable imho(downloaderNode.js file)
- Preserve scroll position when switching to other subpages
- Download Manager
- Persistent links between refreshes
- Rename video if one with same name exists
- Copy link with name and cookies to be used in my periscope nodejs downloader,available in userscript only
- Display full size avatars from google profiles
- Dark theme (changes in style.css)
- some other minor tweaks.
- Option to log broadcasts to text file with link to replay
- Profile avatar and link in chat messages + some styling
- Generate proper uuid for chat messages
- Generate partial replay links
- M3U links optional, on/off in settings
- PeriscopeDownloader links optional, on/off in settings
- Generated links stay grayed-out when no response is received
- Changed Following broadcast feed to include deleted broadcasts and now broadcasts appear in new order.
- "Sort by watching" is now toggle
- "Show interesting only" - displays only the ones that you clicked on "get stream link"
- When "Enable automatic downloading of the following items" or "Enable notifications" is on, replay links are saved and displayed on their boradcast card
- In standalone version transitions in css caused heavy cpu usage. Now all are off.
- Added checkbox to activate auto getting partial replay links
- Added filters. Hide replays, producer or by language
- Saved broadcasts now have prefixes:PV_ PR_ R_(private, partial replay, replay)
- Update state of broadcasts, updating thumbnails is optional
- Seach by @username not only by user id
- Screenlist now changed to screenPreviewer
- Added input field to download manager to quickly download from web link
- You can download private broadcasts that were deleted
- Added Download whole broadcast button(combine partial replay with live running broadcast into one)
- Now following section has option to display broadcasts in classic order, as in periscope app
- You can login with session ID, Thanks to kewalsk
- Option to refresh following section on load, Thanks to Max104t
- Option to open multiple preview windows, Thanks to Max104t
- Basic support of groups and group invitations, Thanks to Max104t
- Added file and folder names editor
- App crashes when opening live broadcast in new window
- Autodownloading broadcasts of following users also downloads private broadcasts - not easy to fix, use
selected users broadcasts
- Some broadcasts are marked as deleted but are still running - This happens when periscope removes this broadcast from following feed
- Sign in with twitter and with phone not working - first requires moving to newer version of NWJS and the second just doesn't work ;)
If you notice any other bug please report.
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More info in original repository /~