Get Deep Learning Related Statistics from Publications
Sometimes statistics about deep learning in publications are needed to get the trends and help the sales team.
This collects the following from the machine learning and computer vision conferences - NIPS, ICML, ICLR, and CVPR.
- Total number of publications
- Total number of deep learning related publications
- Number of CNN related publications
- Number of RNN related publications
- Number of auto-encoder related publications
- Number of deep re-inforcement learning related publications.
This collects the number of deep learning realted publications from the following medical image analysis conference proceedings.
PubMed is the central database of references and abstracts on life sciences and biomedical topics. This collects institutions (affiliations) of deep learning related papers to help identify target for business developement and sales team. This is with the rationale that the more active a person is in research the more likely that person is aware of deep learning and willing to know more from us.
Script counting number of papers from companies (NVIDIA, Google, etc.) published in ICLR'17.